In the past I had broken down an annual review into 4 posts to really focus on what I was reading and writing about. I am going to condense that this year. The blog was down this year – and pretty much tit for tat with my posting. I don’t get a huge amount of…
Category: Blizzard
Convenient Anger
Look, I get why people are mad at Blizzard and I had lower expectations than them a long time ago, so not surprised by what they did. I also don’t play any of their games right now anyway, so I can’t boycott my non playing, I prefer to play online games, here you can discover…
Classic World of Warcraft : Maybe. Probably Not.
Yes, the irony of using a Project 1999 screenshot as the feature image. (Yay, screenshots working there now with Nvida Experience update!) However, that is the main reason why I probably won’t be playing World of Warcraft Classic. I was reading over at the Aggronaut (can’t link directly to article, getting a 404, but it’s…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q2
As a Side note, WordPress has changed their base editor and the main thing I hate is that there isn’t a full justification option. And it is built on building blocks of things. Change is hard when you are used to something but sticking to it! It also seems to have changed my font which…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q1
That time of year is upon us where we look back. I really enjoyed this series last year as the memory gets worse and I get older it’s fun to see what got me excited, dissappointed, and curious throughout the year. As a longer post I am breaking it up in quarters. January 2018 Posts…
Alpha Gaming Weekend : Redacted
I spent my weekend playing games I can’t share impressions on for the most part. And while people know I am in certain ones, because I announced it, I can safely group them all into “looking forward to what they do next” territory without mentioning specific features, feelings or thoughts. Wish I could share more…
Blizzzard (Im)mortal
I was away for two weeks. Long flights, late nights, time zones, work, play. Good times. As always when I step away from the blog I miss writing. Because of the kind of trip I had I don’t have a ton to write about – but I did follow a lot of the Blizzcon announcements,…
When You Say Nothing At All : Quotes
I don’t like going a full week without making a post. This is more of a challenge when you didn’t really do anything or have anything tangible to write about. So, if you hate general posts about a few things, stop reading now. This is one of them. “Not as bad as I thought” While…
Unsubscribed and Patiently Waiting : WoW
My subscription lapsed yesterday and even though I have tokens in hand, there isn’t much reason for me to log in. I am fully up to date on the Alliance War Story, and fully geared as I can be as a non raider. There are no more goals to hit for me – the boring,…
Another Brick in The Wall : Warfronts
Well, the Warfront scenario in Battle For Azeroth is an interesting one. It’s a play on the old RTS game, and plays out kind of like a League of Legends style MOBA with 20 live “actors”. It was kind of fun a few times, too. Challenge is that it completely negates Mythic 0 level content…
Optimism Vs Cynicism
A lot of fun speculation with the announcement of a “free” flying pirate ship mount if you just prepay for game time. Optimist in me : “Guys, we have such awesome content coming down the pipeline, you HAVE to stick around and see it! Trust us you won’t be let down! Here is a shiny…
120 Blues
Max level in an expansion is usually an exciting place. It was fun getting both my Druid and Paladin there (most recently the Paladin, Horde side) and the differences in the campaign truly made it worthwhile to enjoy both story lines. Instead of a sigh of relief while now at the level cap it’s a…
A Telling Pause : Battle For Azeroth
My subscription lapsed this morning. Since I am Canadian I opt not to buy monthly subscriptions due to exchange rate shenanigans (we are close to $20 a month here to play) – especially since you can buy three month game cards for half the price at various retailers. I didn’t have one on me, but…
BFA Update : Slow and Steady Wins The [blank]
This is my second (or third) fully mobile written post. Please forgive the typos, grammar, and formatting errors that I somehow no longer feel responsible for due to the format. FREEDOM! I am inching along in BFA. My Druid isn’t 114 yet and my Paladin isn’t 113. And my desire is to start another character…
BFA Launch : Slow Clap or Not so Fast?
This was my experience last night. Get home from work, make dinner, be a pool boy for a bit. Think about logging in to Battle for Azeroth at 6pm. Decide against it thinking it will be a gong show. 6:30, I figure I will get in the queue – even if it is bad, will…
Battle for Azeroth Plans
Here I am, a WoW blog and blogger again. My normal cycle of getting in and out of the game. It has staying power, at least. At the end of Legion I did my goal of getting my Bearform artifact appearance and then turned my gaze towards levelling some alts. For some reason I felt…
Spec Me Out! : Rogue
I have always loved playing a rogue. Generally my rogue was my “escape” character back when you were able to have those characters you went to when you needed a break from the guild, or just needed to be anonymous for awhile. I did not PVP on my rogue but instead did fun other challenges…
Spec Me Out! : A WoW Class Design Series
Yes I am on vacation, but have some extra time some mornings and like to keep up with what is going on in Blognation so will try to squeeze in a post or two. The next series of posts I write will be around class design in World of Warcraft. I won’t be talking about…
Battle For Azeroth Plans
I hate to call them plans because chances are they are abandoned / forgotten before they are done. That is just how life goes sometimes, and WoW life is something else entirely. I was looking at what is in BFA and the normal “struggles” when there is a new expansion. Who to “main”? And while…
Mission “Impossible” Accomplished
Well, turns out I don’t completely suck. Only partially. And I had little confidence going into the weekend. When I realized the new Artifact appearances were going away in Battle for Azeroth it was enough for me to resubscribe. One of the issues I have always had with the Bear form of my druid is…
Hurry Before It’s Gone! : World of Warcraft
As per my normal modus operandi for World of Warcraft I was done with this expansion. Truth be told this expansion was the longest and hardest (that’s what she said?) I have played a WoW expansion since Wrath of the Lich King. It was a fun, well put together experience overall. Sure, I felt the…
I am Number Four : World of Warcraft
Weird gaming lately. Searching for a mindless, zen like state where I can log into someplace comfortable and advance and repeat tasks. Not really with a fun focus but just a time killing focus. Some may say “wasting”. I can’t disagree with that. I hit my fourth max character in World of Warcraft this morning….
Making a Generation of Bad Players : WoW
There is nothing like a Timewalking event to make you appreciate old school MMO players and feel bad that newer MMO players haven’t had to learn what used to be “core competencies” in MMOs. Now to be sure – these skills aren’t as important because they aren’t prevalent in today’s gaming but for anyone who…
Content Catch Up : WoW
Well, that didn’t take long. As of this morning I have completed all the Broken Isles content I had planned too (LFR once through all, got the new flying form, have completed all the main quests). I am also done all of Argus except the LFR raid (and will probably finish that off tonight). It…
Flying Not Flying : WoW
Well, with some helpful tips in my last post from Leo and Will my “ehrmagahd this grind is going to suck!” path to flying turned into “really, that’s it?”. It helped of course that I was fully done all the prereqs and had to just slog through a gated quest to get the Legionfall rep…