Two out of three ain’t bad. I spent some of my holiday time in the Star Wars universe in three different ways : The Movie, the new single player video game, and the the old Star Wars MMO. They were all different experiences and two were great, one not so much. And, in true “shit…
All posts in EA
Anthem : Could Have, Would Have, Should Have.
You wouldn’t have known it if you aren’t a follower of the game, but Anthem launched it’s Cataclysm event without even a public notice. Almost like secret. Usually things like that would be kind of a big deal. Only three months behind the official announcement (to be fair, they did say they were moving away…
Nailed It! : Anthem
Courtesy of Paul Tassi, Forbes. Excuse me while I go pout on my Ancient Crocodile camp in Project 1999 for the past 4 levels (31-35) At least loot works there.
The Anthem of Hipocrisy
Oh, I see you. I see you, bloggers who have said they were stepping away from Anthem until they fix the core issues. I hear you, I agreed with you, and yet I see you. In game. I mean, that’s only because I am in game there too, with you, but that is completely beside…
Not the Patch You Are Looking For : Anthem 1.04
I was very excited for Anthem’s latest big patch to address some of the issues the game was facing. I had taken a “wait until next patch” break from the game. I will not recap the patch notes and fixes, but will reiterate what I have said here several times. The loot / reward system…
Legendary Luck? : Anthem
Much to my chagrin, the loot love that Anthem was giving out turned out to once again be a loot bug. Feel free to go to the Reddit and read the 100+ posts about how the game was in a great spot until the reversion. It is definitely up to Bioware on this and their…
Giveth, Taketh Away : Anthem
On a train and reading Reddit it became clear immediately that MasterWork drop rates have increased in Anthem – every other post is about how great it is to get more loot and how much fun everyone is having. Many people (including myself) discussed that due to the inscription pool increasing loot drops would go…
Tic Tac Toe : Anthem, Magic, Project 1999
While Anthem is the game I am spending the most time on, I am also playing Magic The Gathering Arena and Project 1999 daily. They are all very different but fill a nice spot. With not a big post on anything today I decided to touch on all three to make a post out of…
The Other Side of the Coin : Anthem
After my post yesterday about the frustrations of progression in Anthem after a weekend in the Elder game I logged in last night and something amazing happened. I played for three hours, had a ton of fun, and didn’t once think about the loot. Funny how that happens sometimes. Sorry to go all bipolar on…
Anthem Master(needs)Work
I had a weekend to enjoy the end game of Anthem and while I am keen on the game (clearly), I have continued to admit much work needs to be done. The good still very much outweighs the bad in pretty much every way on your journey to level 30. Now at level 30 and…
Anthem 2.0
I just finished the main story line this morning. It took me 25 hours and I am level 27. It was a great journey and the finish (last quest) was really well done – it brought us back to the intro mission and was a redemption from the failure we faced there. Full circle and…
Bad Habits of Looter Shooter Design
I see a lot of “common” complaints about Anthem and there is a lot of legitimacy to many of them – the challenge is defining how “bad” they actually are – which is entirely subjective by the user. There is, however, some common themes I have noticed – and have even complained about them myself…
Anthem : Blogging in a Video World
I’m not going to spend much time talking about the review bombs, legitimate concerns, legitimate available fun, or all the same things most people are talking about with Anthem these days. It’s clear there is an unfair bias in the review scores (lower than Fallout 76? Really?) and it’s a good research project to show…
Anthem Launch Day – Quick Impressions
GOOD: Logged in at 10:01 AM EST without issue Only one graphical gameplay bug (Forge, Javelin screen) No lags/bugs/disconnects Lots of people to play with Missions are coherent, varied, and fun Backstory cut-scenes exciting. Helps set the stage. Got to meet the big bad guy early on. Good introduction, way stronger than you, something to…
Anthem Conviction Live Action Short
It’s live, it’s pretty cool, and even for those of us who have been paying some sort of attention to what minimal lore and story that has been released, doesn’t provide much clarity. Spoiler alert (which is a guess) – I think this is the origin story of The Monitor, the big bad guy in…
Anthem – Nothing Left but the Launching
I spent an equal amount of time in Anthem Demo weekend as I did in the VIP weekend – which actually surprised me a bit because my pilot and Javelins carried over meaning I only had two events I could do – Freeplay and the Stronghold. Yes, the same stronghold I had done for 12+hours…
Disincentive To Play
I’m struggling with the EA model of “Games as service” as I play through (and largely enjoy) my time in Battlefield V. I know that sounds confusing and bear with me as I try to explain. Instead of DLC packs BFV went for periodic events, that last a determined amount of time (and that reward…
Anthem Stumbles and Stars
This weekend was the highly touted (and covered) Anthem VIP weekend for people who pre-ordered, their buddies, and anyone lucky enough to win a giveaway. Things did not go as planned at first. Well documented server outages, shortages and issues stopped most people from entering the game on time. I got in about an hour…
Anthem Hype Level : 11ty Billion
I have two games right now that have me super hyped for gaming. The first up is Anthem – which Leo has spoken about a bit. I have been following all the livestreams, dev blogs, etc. I was in the technical Alpha as well. I ended up buying Origin Premier ($129.99 CAD for a year…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q4
October 2018 Posts: 3 (Really? Just 3?) Games: Magic The Gathering: Arena Other Media: October was my second lightest posting month and 3 in a month (along with the couple 5s I had earlier in the year) shows my inability to post consistently. Blogging is one of those things I love when I feel like…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q3
July 2018 Posts: 6 Games: World of Warcraft. Magic The Gathering: Arena, Warriors of Waterdeep, Other Media / Non Digital Games: Blaugust Summertime is more time outside time, less gaming time, and even less blogging time. I started a series about some World of Warcraft Specs that I thought would be really fun to include/play…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q2
As a Side note, WordPress has changed their base editor and the main thing I hate is that there isn’t a full justification option. And it is built on building blocks of things. Change is hard when you are used to something but sticking to it! It also seems to have changed my font which…
Alpha Gaming Weekend : Redacted
I spent my weekend playing games I can’t share impressions on for the most part. And while people know I am in certain ones, because I announced it, I can safely group them all into “looking forward to what they do next” territory without mentioning specific features, feelings or thoughts. Wish I could share more…
Beautifield 5
I am now a PC game service enabler. There needs to be a better term. I had become an annual Origin Pass member, which gives you access to 150 EA games (plus early access to new titles on a trial basis) for the grand price of $29.99. They now added a service – Origin Premier…
Counterproductive Inducement : Battlefield 1
I have been sticking with Battlefield 1 since it is included in my annual pass for Origin. Entering an “old” game is hard as you are around a lot of players who have been playing a long time. Games like Battlefield 1 have perks and benefits for playing their games (as they should) that are…