Chapter One of Quick Updates Exploring Stories Told is the start of this blog. Truth be told, I can’t even recall what I was playing then (had to have been WoW) but I am sure a lot of that will come out in the posts themselves. I had 3 posts to my starting month. August…
The Beginning Of the End : A Look Back
[editor’s note before starting – my blog theme (which I loved but hadn’t updated in years) embedded gambling posts beneath my posts. At first I thought I was hacked but turns out that someone took control of the theme itself and put it there “as a feature”. So, I quickly grabbed a different one just…
Connecting through Gaming: A Parent-Son Bond
I am in gaming “maintenance” mode, and I am ok with that. It’s a comfortable way to game, I log into each game I am playing regularly (Marvel Rivals, Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 (which I haven’t posted about yet), and Fortnite. Each are great for bite-sized, daily gaming, too. Marvel Rivals has daily quests that…
How to Rank Better Than 75% of Marvel Rivals Players
I’m GREAT. I’m such a good Marvel Rivals player – ok, maybe not so good, but better than more than 75%+ of other Marvel Rivals players. Stay with me here. When you hit a new rank in “competitive” gameplay, it gives you a fun little stat: First caveats. I have no clue what “server-wide” means,…
Marvel Rivals – Fun 6v6 Team Shooter
Well, colour me surprised. I didn’t play much of Overwatch – I found it way too hard with waaaay to many tryhards and I just kept dying randomly for things that I seemingly had no control over. The frustration of that pushed me away from OW despite several attempts and hours of getting into it…
Upgrading A Laptop: An Adventure in Tech (And Disappointment)
Picture this: a dimly lit room, a person (let’s call them Alex), and a decade-old Microsoft Surface Book 2. It’s like a scene from a B-movie where the hero realizes they might need to let go of their old, trusty sidekick. The laptop’s been good, but recently, it’s been giving off those “It’s not you,…
Embarrassment of Riches
I turn 50 this year. Already my neural synapses are starting to suck as I have a hard time remembering some of the most basic things – such as, some specific words I am looking for, or, a specific name of an acquaintance that I should know (but can’t instantly recall), and of course the…
Deep Rock Galactic – Chugging Along
Short post to give a shout out to what is likely the best class based Co-Op shooter with the most civilized player base. There was a post with stats released: Safe to say, not bad for a small studio. It’s the type of title that many people rush to buy new DLC as it…
Revisiting Randomization
Back in 2009 I wrote a short piece about how I like Randomization in my games (pen and paper, digital and otherwise!) and once again in 2017 when Gevlon was discussing how he disliked Randomization . In that one I linked back to the first one, and in this one I did it to both….
Checking For a Pulse
871 days ago I wrote a post called “Not Dead.. Yet”. That was the last post on my blog. One that was typically, and lovingly, maintained for the most part over 12 years, before skipping the last two. And sure, I was never really gone – I still used my blogroll to poke in at…
I’m Not DEAD yet!
Or putting myself in WRIP, quite yet. Although I probably should. I started taking online courses in my spare time, instead of writing, and working from home has been a drag. I have been hot and cold with gaming but work has extra responsibilities with this Pandemic, and when I get a spare hour I…
When Crazy Works Out
I finished X-COM 2, as I said I would last post. The final battle was a bit of a gong show in challenge, and I was down to two of six soldiers at the very end. It might had been worse, if my favorite hero (Jill Kelley) didn’t go berzerk. In the “perfect storm” of…
X-COM 2 : War of the Chosen
XCOM is one of my top games, ever in together with online gambling that I learn how to be the best one thanks the advises from The old, original punishing one. One of the cool things about having a blog is going back over your own words – it’s scary to think I don’t…
Tribe of Mentors
I was on vacation for an extended weekend – left Thursday, flew home yesterday, We don’t get away as much in the winter anymore as my son’s hockey program has been very successful the past 4 years. We have been playing hockey well into late March, early April. This year we (rightly so) lost out…
If a Game Falls in the Forest, Does Anybody Hear?
A weird thing happened the past week. I stopped logging into Project 1999. Project 1999 has been my go-to game for what literally feels like 20 years (convenient, right?) although when I click on my category “Project 1999” I really started posting regularly about it in April of last year. So almost a full 12…
Open Letter to Baseball
Dear Baseball. I used to like you . A lot. A long time fan of the game for my entire life. Sure, you haven’t been without drama, but man, you always know how to put on a statistical show. The game within the game. The beautiful sanctity of the pitcher / batter duel with a…
Love Your Backlog – Hipster Version
I love our blogging community. I learned about this initiative over at Time To Loot and decided it was worth looking at from an interest and time perspective. He, of course, got them from another blogger (who I have never read) and this is why blogging communities are fun – discovery! Bhagpuss also chimed in,…
Slayin’ The Spire – Again
I have only written about Slay The Spire twice – once back in February, 2018 on a recommendation from Zubon at Kill Ten Rats; and a second time when I gave it my coveted game of the year award in December 2018. That approval is as powerful as an Oscar, and many game companies wine…
In the past I had broken down an annual review into 4 posts to really focus on what I was reading and writing about. I am going to condense that this year. The blog was down this year – and pretty much tit for tat with my posting. I don’t get a huge amount of…
Woke Up, Got Out of Bed, Dragged a Comb…
I watched the film “Yesterday” recently and it brought with it a resurgence of listening to Beatles albums. Not real albums, mind you, but Spotify playlists. In this first sentence there are three things I mentioned that I am not talking about today (The movie Yesterday, the Beatles, and Streaming Music) but the song “A…
20 Years Later…
I got my first epic in Everquest. Rather, Project 1999, so it still had it’s shares of challenges. In fact I am guessing with Mercs and the new level limit you can probably solo the crap out of the entire process. Not on my EQ. It actually really felt like an accomplishment. There were many…
Star Wars Meatloaf : Part 2
In my first Start Wars Meatloaf post (2 out of 3 ain’t) bad I explored one of the ain’t bad parts with the three different Star Wars experiences I had over the holidays. This post will discuss the IS’s bad part. And also the questionable grammar (often found here, irregardless <– did that on purpose)…
Star Wars Meatloaf
Two out of three ain’t bad. I spent some of my holiday time in the Star Wars universe in three different ways : The Movie, the new single player video game, and the the old Star Wars MMO. They were all different experiences and two were great, one not so much. And, in true “shit…
Happy Holidays BlogNation!
I know my posting schedule has nosedived but my love for the blogging community has not. The written word is important and I appreciate the content creators keeping it alive! Happy Holidays to all 🙂
The Mandolorian is Bad
Pitchforks and fire, Star Wars Fan boys & Girls, pitchforks and fire. Lest I forget – I am one of those fan boys. It’s bad. Like, really bad. So bad, not even Baby Yoda can save it. I love the Star Wars Universe. The games, the movies, the comics, the animated series – even the…