October 2018 Posts: 3 (Really? Just 3?) Games: Magic The Gathering: Arena Other Media: October was my second lightest posting month and 3 in a month (along with the couple 5s I had earlier in the year) shows my inability to post consistently. Blogging is one of those things I love when I feel like…
Category: Dungeons and Dragons
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q3
July 2018 Posts: 6 Games: World of Warcraft. Magic The Gathering: Arena, Warriors of Waterdeep, Other Media / Non Digital Games: Blaugust Summertime is more time outside time, less gaming time, and even less blogging time. I started a series about some World of Warcraft Specs that I thought would be really fun to include/play…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q1
That time of year is upon us where we look back. I really enjoyed this series last year as the memory gets worse and I get older it’s fun to see what got me excited, dissappointed, and curious throughout the year. As a longer post I am breaking it up in quarters. January 2018 Posts…
I Don’t Get It: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
With my current D&D obsession and clever Google marketing I “somehow” “managed” to get “randomly” introduced to a new D&D game – Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. It’s on Steam, it’s Free To Play, so why not try it, I thought. The game is simple enough. It’s an automatic side scroller. You choose the formation…
More D&D Talk
I have been absorbing a lot of D&D 5e material and enjoying just learning, reading, and letting my imagination play out. A lot of this is much easier with the launch of DnDbeyond.com  which is free for the base information and has some handy, but basic, tools. I read more information about it and the future…
D & D 5e & DDO
I am still in “prep” mode in DDO – I have been gaming mostly in EQ2 but logging into DDO a few times a week to build comfort. I have decided to research less, and go for it more – there too is a very deep advanced mode to spend points in that I have…