Battle For Azeroth Plans

I hate to call them plans because chances are they are abandoned / forgotten before they are done. That is just how life goes sometimes, and WoW life is something else entirely.

I was looking at what is in BFA and the normal “struggles” when there is a new expansion. Who to “main”? And while there is / has been a lot of discussion about mains and what it means in an MMO a the end of the day WoW has so many options and so many fun classes / specs that I don’t think you can make a wrong decision.  With that in mind, here is the schizophrenia that it produced and my decision making around it.

  • Druid (110) – my “always” main, that gives every playstyle in one package (Tank, Heals, MDPS, RDPS), my soul and lifeblood in WoW and sometimes the very reason why I feel compelled to play the expansions. His story will be told as long as there is a WoW to visit. Of course, just because the story needs to be told doesn’t mean he needs to be first, just needs to get there eventually.
    • Pros: Most comfortable with the class ins and outs. I have the new bear form. With tank/heals get almost instant queues to one of my favourite part of the game, 5 mans.
    • Cons: I have played him the most. I get bored easy.
  • Rogue (110) – usually my second class to level, because the playstyle is just so fun!
    • Pros: Fun playstyle. Singularly focused (I only like one spec of the three, really, so I don’t need to gear for any others, or learn others, etc.)
    • Cons: MDPS means long wait times to do dungeons.
  • Paladin (110) – either my first or second character to level cap past 3 expansions (second this time around in Legion)
    • Pros: all the same as the Druid in playstyle and wait times, but with Plate armor and a class theme I really align with
    • Cons: I don’t like healing or dps with the Paladin so I end up being a “tank only”.
  • Hunter (110)  – finally levelled one to 110 in Legion and was great fun!
    • Pros – Ranged class (that I normally don’t play), was my actually first WoW character (if you are the nostalgic type. I am). Survival spec is very interesting, to say the least.
    • Cons – Same as single role like the rogue (DPS only, even though there are both ranged and melee options). They changed a lot about Marksman spec that I liked for BFA.
  • Shaman (106) – My “other” main healer from the raid days. And current bank alt. Have been plugging away to get her to 110
    • Pros – love the shaman theme. Has a healing, ranged, and melee DPS options (of which I usually go melee / heals, although Elemental is an interesting spec to explore)
    • Cons – No tank option, which is something I enjoy in 5 mans. I have read that the Enhance spec is a mess in BFA so far.
  • Demon Hunter (105) – My only Horde character. (I regret that, kinda mostly).
    • Pros – good class thematically, can glide, and tank.  Tank and glide is the new slip and slide. I like how the class plays and feels.
    • Cons – I’d most likely reset and start an Alliance DH since it sucks not being able to pass/share gold, etc between your own alts. I am pushing to play WoW “free” so time away from the Alliance is time away from working towards WoW tokens.
  • Death Knight (58) – A Gnome. How cute. Also undead.
    • Pros – would be a mostly new experience with a tanking and MDPS plate class that is interesting.
    • Cons – the class lore and feel hasn’t really grabbed me with anything that exciting so far.
  • Warlock (26) – Another Gnome. Why so low? I mean, in levels. This is my main candidate for my 110 boost.
    • Pros – have never played a cloth caster at level. Would be a completely new experience!
    • Cons – have never played a cloth caster at level. Would be a completely new experience.
  • Mage (14) – see above. Yup, that simple. I may have to delete this guy if I want to do a Kul Tiras…

The next three classes, I have pegged to do with the new races. Two of which I already have unlocked.

  • Monk (26) – This is a high candidate for being a “main”. I love the monk thematically, both in WoW but in a broader, fantasy sense (if I ever get to play D&D for reals this will be my class).
    • Pros – Covers my three favorite roles – Tank, Healing, MDPS. Is an elf. I like elves. But a new kind of elf. The void elf. Has a cool name, Bleys. Bonus points if you know where that is from without googling it.
    • Cons – need to level to 120 the old fashioned way (will explain soon).
  • Priest (20) – Not interested as a main but haven’t ever explored a priest class.
    • Pros: Can heal (high comfort) and DPS (ranged), and is a cloth caster so that’s completely new to me. Is a Lightforged Draenai. Has a cool name – Llewella. Bonus points if you know where that is from without googling it, and is related to Bleys.
    • Cons: Do not love the class thematically, need to level to 120 the old fashioned way (will explain soon)
  • Warrior (Null) – I know I have to level this class to 120 at some point during expansion.
    • Pros – Can tank, is plate wearing. I don’t play enough plate wearing classes.
    • Cons: No heal option as a secondary. Can’t exist until BFA launces, since I want to be a Dark Iron Dwarf. Need to level to 120 the old fashioned way

Yes, that is a quick summary of every class. I mean, at expansion time everything is on the table, although some are far more likely than others.

With the bottom three classes and the new races, they introduced cosmetic “Heritage armor” that you earn by levelling one of the new classes from 20-120 without a boost.

They are beautiful, and incredibly detailed.

At first I felt like I would be fine only doing the Dark Iron Dwarf one. I don’t have a dwarf. After seeing the armor, I definitely want/need one. Here it is. And it looks far better (and has some animations) when you see it in game. (You can view it at the Stormwind Embassy).


compliments of wowhead

I really love it. And even though it can be transmogged onto anything (I believe?) it would fit a Warrior type well. Here are the Lightforged Draenai and Void Elf, respectively.

compliments of WoWhead
complimeants of wowhead

Sure, they are pretty good, but not Dark Iron Dwarf good. Again, in game the animations are really good and the details are awesome.

Odd, because i have never been a collector of these kinds of things, but I am not sure why I want these.

I have been playing in and around and messing with all the classes above both in game and in my head, and trying to sort through my plans for the expansion. Do you have any plans or thoughts for BFA?

What is it that thing they say about plans and planning…..


3 comments / Add your comment below

  1. I have my eye on a dark iron dwarf… but I have no idea when they will be available. So much so that I am actually contemplating paying for race change on my Rogue.

      1. I knew what you meant =)

        The “no catch up mechanic” was disappointing with the launch of the quest line and while the Darkshore quests have gear upgrades those will all be gone with greens soon enough. So I have really been messing around with low level characters, redesigning my stable of alts (For some reason I feel the need to have one of every race now, instead of the Nelf / Draenai orgy I have going on right now (I just increased my google search hits!)

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