I love our blogging community. I learned about this initiative over at Time To Loot and decided it was worth looking at from an interest and time perspective. He, of course, got them from another blogger (who I have never read) and this is why blogging communities are fun – discovery! Bhagpuss also chimed in,…
All posts in General
In the past I had broken down an annual review into 4 posts to really focus on what I was reading and writing about. I am going to condense that this year. The blog was down this year – and pretty much tit for tat with my posting. I don’t get a huge amount of…
Woke Up, Got Out of Bed, Dragged a Comb…
I watched the film “Yesterday” recently and it brought with it a resurgence of listening to Beatles albums. Not real albums, mind you, but Spotify playlists. In this first sentence there are three things I mentioned that I am not talking about today (The movie Yesterday, the Beatles, and Streaming Music) but the song “A…
Happy Belated Birthday* I HAS PC Turned Eleven
I missed it two years in a row. I promise my record is better with family birthdays, wedding anniversaries and the like. August 27, 2008 was my first blog post. Every year when I remember I missed my own blog birthday I tend to look back at the journey and ponder the way forward. Instead,…
Aging Reminders
Every once in a while I go and visit my “Writers Resting in Paradise” page where I have saved blogs that I used to link to that are no longer in circulation. (Is that the right term? Makes it sound fancy!). It’s fun/sad to see what some of the old URLs have been hijacked by…
Extended Absence
Not because I will be spending hours in Anthem. It does a lot right, but also (even in the honeymoon period) does a lot wrong. A outweighs B on the outset and curious by how much, for how long. No, I am going on a 6 day trip on a long trek that will have…
Alpha Gaming Weekend : Redacted
I spent my weekend playing games I can’t share impressions on for the most part. And while people know I am in certain ones, because I announced it, I can safely group them all into “looking forward to what they do next” territory without mentioning specific features, feelings or thoughts. Wish I could share more…
When You Say Nothing At All : Quotes
I don’t like going a full week without making a post. This is more of a challenge when you didn’t really do anything or have anything tangible to write about. So, if you hate general posts about a few things, stop reading now. This is one of them. “Not as bad as I thought” While…
Happy Belated Birthday : I HAS PC turns(ed) 10
Well, this is awkward. I forgot my own Blog Anniversary day. (Blog Birthday? Blogiversary? Whatevs…). August 27, 2008Â I wrote my first post. It was short. Here is the full content to save you the link clicking. We are all Experts! (notice the clever use of capitalization for emphasis). Surely we all are, are we not?…
Small Update Post
I hate going a full week without posting, but that happens from time to time when I have nothing fun or exciting to write about. Both of those should be qualified a bit – things I fun fun or exciting. I have been writing about un-fun and boring things from you, the gentle reader’s perspective…
So You Are Saying There’s A Chance
Gevlon wrote a pretty sarcastic piece (I think it was meant to be sarcastic!) calling for the end of all randomization in gaming to counterbalance the future of loot box mania (which is already here, and not going anywhere). I do appreciate that some people – and “gamers” in particular – appreciate some certainty. This is…
Blog Therapy – Drafts Folder Purge Part 5
I still have pesky drafts sitting in my ‘Posts’ folder from waay back in 2015. I am continuing to examine and decide whether to finish off the post, or delete it to the blog-void permanently. My other posts in this series are Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. What I am, and Not, Playing (4/30/2015) Back during…
Snake Oil : Day One DLC
Way back in 2010 I was pretty upset with EA. I am embarrassed enough to say that I have linked to that post myself five times – six, if you include this one. Each of those links was for different reasons but it remains one of my most linked posts by myself. I think it…
The Oracle Speaketh!
Sometimes, I get it right. Every once and awhile I go read an old post – this is normally because someone else read it and it got a hit and I try to see what lead them to that post. Here is the paragraph from what I wrote in 2008 A side thought to this…
In Touch With My Wonder Woman Side
Wonder Woman was a very powerful movie. I tried for a bit to sort out why I felt that way. It has been a rough few weeks. I went in hopeful after reading some good reviews, and left it feeling great. It felt like WW was the first shot at building a superhero movie around…
13 Reasons Why
I do not watch a lot of TV. I find I get interested in some shows and find them really well done, and get engaged in early seasons. Eventually, and pretty much always, writers on the show change, TV studios realize they have a hit and do everything they can to stretch out what might…
Aha Moment, Diversity
I have always been sympathetic to ‘liberal’ social causes. First, I am Canadian and we have a supportive society with a distinct world view. We are just friendly people, for the most part, to use the stereotype. Most of this came from attending a liberal arts university that back in the 90’s was considered ‘gay…
Rescue Time
In my last post I talked about how Tuesdays were a fun day in Azeroth, and made some claims about my play time. Prior to that thought I had already installed “Rescue Time” on my laptop which logs all of your activities while actively using your laptop. I assumed that doing everything I had planned…
Happy Endings
I enjoy the TV show “The Walking Dead”. I wouldn’t call myself a giant fan but I watch every season. I tend to watch the season a season behind (I just started season 6, season 7 is underway) and it is a weird place of enjoyment-but-not-quite-fandom. I have a vested interest in seeing what happens…
Real Hot Mess
I’m struggling finding fun in gaming right now. It is definitely not for a lack of trying, I have been buying games like crazy and giving them a good chance to hook me. I even made blog posts about it, to try and drum up some momentum to get into a game or two and…
New Rig
Pulled off an amazing “need case” at work for this sweet, sweet mobile gaming (and computing) powerhouse: Delicious and Nutritious? So far it has been wonderful, except for the fact that  the case is warped. In certain situations it moves corner to corner when typing and that is incredibly annoying. Gaming wise it has performed…
Spring Cleaning – Old Post Drafts #2
Continuing my Spring Cleaning project – here is my second post as I go through my drafts folder and decide to keep (and finish) old post thoughts or delete them away. The first post in this series is here. “I Don’t Use Steam Much Anymore” (8/7/2014) Steam is that ultra convenient platform that I have…
Spam Posts as a Measure of Popularity
All of my spam posts caught in my Askimet filter are about two games right now, split pretty much right down the middle. Blade and Soul and Runescape. Most of them are  about selling gold in those two games. What does this mean? Is there really that big of a market for gold in either that…
Birthdays and Forums
My birthday was yesterday! I was reminded of such while driving home from a hockey game at 12:04 am by 2K forums. While I was appreciative of the well wishes I did have to chuckle a bit. The last time I posted or visited those forums was in 2008. We at 2K Forums would like…
Worst Enemies and Lists
Happy New Year! I have been playing my same old boring games, but feel compelled to update briefly. This post is composed of two subject matters, and two lists! Gaming List Fallout 4: I am 45 hours in and just went back to the main story line. I just did the Glowing Sea, as a…