I was on vacation for an extended weekend – left Thursday, flew home yesterday, We don’t get away as much in the winter anymore as my son’s hockey program has been very successful the past 4 years. We have been playing hockey well into late March, early April. This year we (rightly so) lost out…
Category: BlogNation
Love Your Backlog – Hipster Version
I love our blogging community. I learned about this initiative over at Time To Loot and decided it was worth looking at from an interest and time perspective. He, of course, got them from another blogger (who I have never read) and this is why blogging communities are fun – discovery! Bhagpuss also chimed in,…
In the past I had broken down an annual review into 4 posts to really focus on what I was reading and writing about. I am going to condense that this year. The blog was down this year – and pretty much tit for tat with my posting. I don’t get a huge amount of…
Brad, I’m Sorry.
Of course I am days behind on the breaking news that Brad McQuaid has died. And I feel loathe to even link to my posts about him here in the past. But I will. Here is when he suddenly returned and I called him out for shenanigans and past issues – fairly or unfairly at…
Convenient Anger
Look, I get why people are mad at Blizzard and I had lower expectations than them a long time ago, so not surprised by what they did. I also don’t play any of their games right now anyway, so I can’t boycott my non playing, I prefer to play online games, here you can discover…
Happy Belated Birthday* I HAS PC Turned Eleven
I missed it two years in a row. I promise my record is better with family birthdays, wedding anniversaries and the like. August 27, 2008 was my first blog post. Every year when I remember I missed my own blog birthday I tend to look back at the journey and ponder the way forward. Instead,…
Aging Reminders
Every once in a while I go and visit my “Writers Resting in Paradise” page where I have saved blogs that I used to link to that are no longer in circulation. (Is that the right term? Makes it sound fancy!). It’s fun/sad to see what some of the old URLs have been hijacked by…
On Community
I am away for the first two weeks of every August. I go back to my home town to teach at a hockey camp. We rent a cottage, generally have crappy wifi, and spend mornings and early afternoons at the rink and late afternoons and evenings on the lake. I grew up in beautiful Cottage…
I get odd requests here and there to put linkable infographics, promote products, etc. Of course I never do that (unless I actually like and use the product, and even then I don’t respond to the request I just continue on my merry way. This one was interesting to me – because I had made…
You Have Become Better at Rat Killing (10)
Zubon over at Kill Ten Rats has made a his last post. He was the last regular poster over at the site that inspired me to start this blog. Yes, blogs come and go all the time (Writers Resting in Paradise is my nostalgic fuelled mission to keep their URLs alive and listed, if they…
I HAS PC : Orange is the New Black
It’s been a long time and there are some things about my site that I liked, and some that I didn’t. LIKED: My Sidebar. Especially the Blogroll. DISLIKED: Images were base SO small, due to the size of the sidebar LIKED: Orange. It’s not even my favourite color or anything, but the blog has had…
Extended Absence
Not because I will be spending hours in Anthem. It does a lot right, but also (even in the honeymoon period) does a lot wrong. A outweighs B on the outset and curious by how much, for how long. No, I am going on a 6 day trip on a long trek that will have…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q4
October 2018 Posts: 3 (Really? Just 3?) Games: Magic The Gathering: Arena Other Media: October was my second lightest posting month and 3 in a month (along with the couple 5s I had earlier in the year) shows my inability to post consistently. Blogging is one of those things I love when I feel like…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q2
As a Side note, WordPress has changed their base editor and the main thing I hate is that there isn’t a full justification option. And it is built on building blocks of things. Change is hard when you are used to something but sticking to it! It also seems to have changed my font which…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q1
That time of year is upon us where we look back. I really enjoyed this series last year as the memory gets worse and I get older it’s fun to see what got me excited, dissappointed, and curious throughout the year. As a longer post I am breaking it up in quarters. January 2018 Posts…
Alpha Gaming Weekend : Redacted
I spent my weekend playing games I can’t share impressions on for the most part. And while people know I am in certain ones, because I announced it, I can safely group them all into “looking forward to what they do next” territory without mentioning specific features, feelings or thoughts. Wish I could share more…
Blizzzard (Im)mortal
I was away for two weeks. Long flights, late nights, time zones, work, play. Good times. As always when I step away from the blog I miss writing. Because of the kind of trip I had I don’t have a ton to write about – but I did follow a lot of the Blizzcon announcements,…
When You Say Nothing At All : Quotes
I don’t like going a full week without making a post. This is more of a challenge when you didn’t really do anything or have anything tangible to write about. So, if you hate general posts about a few things, stop reading now. This is one of them. “Not as bad as I thought” While…
I was inspired while reading Kaylriene to take an introspective look at my gaming personal life. In many ways it has mirrored my own life and friendships. I found myself getting wispy and nostalgic reading the tales of their trip from A to Z. I struggle with these kinds of posts because I feel utterly exposed….
Happy Belated Birthday : I HAS PC turns(ed) 10
Well, this is awkward. I forgot my own Blog Anniversary day. (Blog Birthday? Blogiversary? Whatevs…). August 27, 2008Â I wrote my first post. It was short. Here is the full content to save you the link clicking. We are all Experts! (notice the clever use of capitalization for emphasis). Surely we all are, are we not?…
Looking For Guild and Random Things
LFG I haven’t had to look for a guild in 10 years in WoW. I became a part of a guild in Vanilla, and when we went from 40 man to 25 man raiding a group of us splintered off and formed a separate guild for TBC, and I was with that guild for most…
Blaugust, Good Luck!
I know it won’t come to many a surprise that Blaugust has been reborn this year and just by you reading this here I know you are in the know. We have a small little corner of a community in BlogNation and if you look at my blogroll you will find many/most of the posts recently…
I’ll Show You Mine : Steam Spend
Steam recently added the ability to see how much you have spent with them. Here is the link. (You have to log in and all that jazz). In the spirit of fun, and transparency (because why not) let’s see who the true spending addicts are! External Funds Used This is a sum of external funds…
Mind your Manners : Twitter Snitch Tagging
I am not an avid Twitter user. I have an account, I consume tweets sometimes and I even interact with some of Blognation there now and again. I wouldn’t classify myself as a regular user or even that interested in the platform – let alone take the time to blog about it. Except for an…
Beta Fatigue : 2018 Version
I wrote about Beta Fatigue back in 2009. For me, then, it was the start of the changing process of how Beta tests went from actual bug hunting and shaping games to public marketing stunts. We have become even worse with beta phases lasting several years while “testers” pay for the honor of supporting a…