I love our blogging community. I learned about this initiative over at Time To Loot and decided it was worth looking at from an interest and time perspective. He, of course, got them from another blogger (who I have never read) and this is why blogging communities are fun – discovery! Bhagpuss also chimed in,…
Category: Steam
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q2
As a Side note, WordPress has changed their base editor and the main thing I hate is that there isn’t a full justification option. And it is built on building blocks of things. Change is hard when you are used to something but sticking to it! It also seems to have changed my font which…
I’ll Show You Mine : Steam Spend
Steam recently added the ability to see how much you have spent with them. Here is the link. (You have to log in and all that jazz). In the spirit of fun, and transparency (because why not) let’s see who the true spending addicts are! External Funds Used This is a sum of external funds…
Sweet, Sweet Naivety.
My son LOVES hockey. He is 7. He plays twice a week, been in weekend tournaments, and when he gets off the bus after school stays outside and shoots pucks at the net until we drag him in. It’s nice seeing him enjoy something so much at his age. It’s something that is easy to…
Customer Service Win
After reading this great customer service example over at World of Shadow, I’m back thinking of my own CS purchase experiences in the gaming world. Of course, from there, I can’t help but continue to think, and discuss, why customer service basics don’t flow over into the gaming sphere. In my first link above, the…
I’ve Created a [zombie] Monster [survivor]
There’s a lot of coverage and interest with The Terminator vs. Video Games trudging through the Supreme Courts right now. I’m sure blognation will cover it much better than I but I’ll share a story about games and parenting as a gamer and a parent of a 5 year old. While I do not claim…
Steam Sale Stings! (also – my Baseball Game is now a RPG)
I picked up MLB 2k10 from 2k sports over the weekend. I enjoyed 2k9, and the $20 price tag is a nice entry level. Today I check out steam, and that same title is now on sale for $1.99. 90% off! While that is indeed impressive, now my valued purchase makes me feel like I…