In the past I had broken down an annual review into 4 posts to really focus on what I was reading and writing about. I am going to condense that this year. The blog was down this year – and pretty much tit for tat with my posting. I don’t get a huge amount of…
All posts in P1999
Woke Up, Got Out of Bed, Dragged a Comb…
I watched the film “Yesterday” recently and it brought with it a resurgence of listening to Beatles albums. Not real albums, mind you, but Spotify playlists. In this first sentence there are three things I mentioned that I am not talking about today (The movie Yesterday, the Beatles, and Streaming Music) but the song “A…
20 Years Later…
I got my first epic in Everquest. Rather, Project 1999, so it still had it’s shares of challenges. In fact I am guessing with Mercs and the new level limit you can probably solo the crap out of the entire process. Not on my EQ. It actually really felt like an accomplishment. There were many…
An Everquest Adventure
Keep in mind this is on a time locked emulator, Project 1999. I made a new friend as only you can in EQ. I had some time before work and logged in to find the Ancient Cyclops camp open. I’ve been making tens of thousands here. With people leaving Blue for Green (and Teal), the…
Green is Live
Project 1999 launches its “piece de resistance” today and I just checked and it is currently up and running with 1750 players currently on the Green Server (there are 500 still sticking around on Blue). I did hum and hah about it but have decided to play a Shaman on the server. At least to…
Going Green
It’s hard to believe as Everquest hit it’s 20th anniversary that Project 1999 – the Daybreak “approved” emulation server that is locked in the Velious expansion for eternity – is getting a new server. Project 1999 already has a RED server (For PVP, essentially dead and with XP bonuses) and the BLUE server – which…
Mission Accomplished! 20 Years Later
For some reason I can’t do screenshots from one of my computers for Project 1999, but I can for another. And this whole story was sadly not captured because I was on the wrong computer when it happened. But it is a story, and one I am very, very excited about! I finished the quest…
Classic World of Warcraft : Maybe. Probably Not.
Yes, the irony of using a Project 1999 screenshot as the feature image. (Yay, screenshots working there now with Nvida Experience update!) However, that is the main reason why I probably won’t be playing World of Warcraft Classic. I was reading over at the Aggronaut (can’t link directly to article, getting a 404, but it’s…
Party Like it’s 1999
The downside for fancy screenshot programs is that it really doesn’t want to work with an emulated program of a game from 20 years ago. I know I have spared most of you the blocky, funny character textures but they do have a certain charm. I want to roll up a Troll just to see…