I got my first epic in Everquest. Rather, Project 1999, so it still had it’s shares of challenges. In fact I am guessing with Mercs and the new level limit you can probably solo the crap out of the entire process. Not on my EQ. It actually really felt like an accomplishment. There were many…
Category: MMO
Ding! Level 50 – 20 years later
My Enchanter hit level 50 on the weekend and it felt like an accomplishment. Which, of course, sounds completely ridiculous to say out loud. Or type out loud. Whatever, you get it. It is only the second character I have ever topped 50 with in any iteration of EQ. The other being my 55 Troll…
Mission Accomplished! 20 Years Later
For some reason I can’t do screenshots from one of my computers for Project 1999, but I can for another. And this whole story was sadly not captured because I was on the wrong computer when it happened. But it is a story, and one I am very, very excited about! I finished the quest…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q4
October 2018 Posts: 3 (Really? Just 3?) Games: Magic The Gathering: Arena Other Media: October was my second lightest posting month and 3 in a month (along with the couple 5s I had earlier in the year) shows my inability to post consistently. Blogging is one of those things I love when I feel like…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q2
As a Side note, WordPress has changed their base editor and the main thing I hate is that there isn’t a full justification option. And it is built on building blocks of things. Change is hard when you are used to something but sticking to it! It also seems to have changed my font which…
Watermelon Seeds : WildStar
Oh WildStar. I told you so. I know that is very, very helpful. And to be fair, like many others, I am actually really sad it didn’t make it. I would often reinstall, play for a bit (I wanted to see/feel the story of Nexus), get wigged out by the colors and playstyle, uninstall. It…
How to Lose a MMO Gamer in 10 Ways
In the romantic comedy “How to lose a guy in 10 days” A reporter is writing an article with that name – and wants to prove she can lose a guy in 10 days. On the other side, the guy, a big advertising exec takes a bet that he can make a woman fall in…
My Influential 15
One of my favorite blogs to visit is The Ancient Gaming Noob (TAGN) and he recently posted an Influential 15Â list – started by another blogger and other sites are also playing along. The parts I read indicated not too many rules, but just do not overthink it – only take 15 minutes, and list…
5 Mans
First, an aside. When reading Rivs blog on my blogroll this comment stuck out to me: it’s nice seeing people reading what you write. It was easier to comment on blogs, nowadays it seems you have to jump through hoops of fire to comment on a blog. Which I find is true for a lot…
Insanity: Doing the Same Thing…
Oh look, Brad McQuaid is back and people are picking on him (pretty accurate?) and/or taking a “hey something to talk about!” (also accurate) approach. I made my feelings known about Mr. McQuaid back in the day when we couldn’t tell if he was hoaxing or not when coming up for air – and Jim Collin’s “Good to Great”…
A Way to Innovate Combat in MMO’s
We are talking next gen amazingness. One of my favourite posts is “Greatest Fantasy Movie Ever“. In it I describe how a typical boss fight in any MMO would translate into a big budget movie and how ridiculous the whole event is. Sure, arguments of tech limitations and what not on why that is but really – that…
MMO Bucket List
One raid boss that Ascension always had issues with was Al’ar. Not sure why, but he was particularly nasty. So much so, that while we got everything down around him, we never killed him in particular. I hated Al’ar. I remember one night, when I was on healing duties on the add pickup (good old…
I Am Alone In My MMO
Amazing things have happened in MMO advancement. Graphics, systems, play styles, game modes, etc. etc. etc. We have come a long, long way from multiple week grinds to get a level and losing all of your items (and even levels) upon death. Most of us, while we may look fondly back on the memories of…
CoH Being Shuttered
Sad but true. I used to really enjoy the game. Official Notice Here Odd since it went free to play, but I guess that’s not a guarantee for success either.
I Hate Mila!
Mild mannered bloggers over at Are We New At This? and High Latency Life are tackling an important issue in blognation. Why all the hate on WoW? I mean, it has eleventy (.2) billion subscribers! Something must be going right over at ActiBlizzEnron. It is a curious (and good) question in many ways. Chris Cavelle…
Tell Me What You Want (What You Really, Really, Want)
I think MMO nostalgia makes us funny people. Just yesterday I was thinking about EQ and the amazing times had there with people I still consider ‘amazing’. Hell, I even went to my first ever guild message boards (circa 1999) after a 3 year hiatus to go say “hi” and see who was still kicking around…
Feast or Famine
Going to a new blogging style. The exciting ‘when I can/feel like it’. When I blogged regularly I blogged pretty hard, 3+ posts a week, keeping on top of current events and all the “excitement”. I took an extended break once, and in the same breadth kept lurking and reading my favorites without posting. I…
Deferred Success
This title stems from educators wanting to remove kids from an ‘F’, or ‘Failing’ grade. No more failing – just deferred success! Clearly the change in terminology will make kids all become hugely successful. This Epic Defer is part of a longer list of deferrments by public offcials who manage powerful unionized employees (the same unions that…
One of the best blog articles I have read recently was at Elder Gamer regarding genre conventions in our beloved MMO’s. It hits on a lot of interesting and valid points, and is a great read. I find it interesting that a lot of the ‘outside of the box’ MMO design discussions (from the armchair…
GAMMOP – Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Mobs Gear
MMO’s have generally accepted principles much like accounting. Rules and systems that have been adopted over the years. I recently signed up to try the Age of Conan Trial (haven’t played it since I dismissed the game as ‘not for me’ in beta). I’ll most likely discuss how things have changed there in another piece,…
time = money / money = pizza [therefore] time = pizza
Callan hits an interesting point in the comment section over at Tesh’s musings about the value of his time. I am in Tesh’s camp here, where my discretionary budget is at an all time high, and my time budget is at an all time low. Gamers often judge the value of a game based on how…
Star Wars The Old Republic : Hopes and Dreams
I have writers block. I have 7 drafts written on various topics but am having a hard time piecing them together. Some of them are related, and I think, can I combine them? Do they make sense? I have lost my groove, and working to find it. My time off blogging was spent playing 3…
Here’s Your Answer, Tesh!
I suppose the Global Agenda ‘strike while the iron is hot’ promo is, uh, striking while the iron is hot. Last chance for APB refugees and other Shooter/MMO fans to receive discount Dear Shooter/MMO Fans: Recently, I wrote an open letter to APB Refugees and other fans of the Shooter/MMO genre. In that letter, we offered…
The Body is Still Warm…
Received this in my inbox today. An Open Letter to Shooter/MMO Fans from Hi-Rez Studios Dear Shooter/MMO Fans: The last few years have been rough for many fans of the Shooter/MMO genre. Several innovative game titles with great communities have folded as they sought to bring together those of us who enjoy the fast-action, intense…
Maybe Worth The Price of Admission
Unconfirmed rumours from a reputable source about Blizzards Cataclysm expansion. I would probably buy it and try it. I have complained about not using the world of Azeroth before – 80 levels shuttled into a handful of instances for the end game. Those rumours, if true, are a brilliant move by Blizzard. That is what…