As per the picture, a strange little badge popped up on my Player Profile just the other day. I have been playing Clash Royale for 3 years. Oh how the time flies. I started playing because all of the kids on my son’s hockey team were playing like crazy. And of course I like games….
Author: Isey
Brad, I’m Sorry.
Of course I am days behind on the breaking news that Brad McQuaid has died. And I feel loathe to even link to my posts about him here in the past. But I will. Here is when he suddenly returned and I called him out for shenanigans and past issues – fairly or unfairly at…
Movies are NOT Real Life
Either are video games. I have noticed this has been a challenge for some progressive reviewers of movies recently. That is too broad of a statement. Let me rephrase. This is the challenge with progressives as reviewers who can’t divorce make believe from reality. Society seems to already be struggling with facts vs feelings but…
An Everquest Adventure
Keep in mind this is on a time locked emulator, Project 1999. I made a new friend as only you can in EQ. I had some time before work and logged in to find the Ancient Cyclops camp open. I’ve been making tens of thousands here. With people leaving Blue for Green (and Teal), the…
Project 1999 Faces Population Issues
Who knew? The Project 1999 Green Server was so popular it was sitting at 2500 characters at launch, and well into week two. Keep in mind that is around 250 players per starting area. (Of course, not as neatly broken down that way, more like 500 in Gfay and 150 in Innoruk, but still. Get…
Green is Live
Project 1999 launches its “piece de resistance” today and I just checked and it is currently up and running with 1750 players currently on the Green Server (there are 500 still sticking around on Blue). I did hum and hah about it but have decided to play a Shaman on the server. At least to…
Can Big Data Save Politics?
Ugh. I know, political posts on gaming blogs. I promise I am not going to go all partisan. And my short style of writing may not be wholly appropriate for a topic of this magnitude, but doing it anyway. Considering it an entry discussion point! There is an election here in Canada. I have been…
Convenient Anger
Look, I get why people are mad at Blizzard and I had lower expectations than them a long time ago, so not surprised by what they did. I also don’t play any of their games right now anyway, so I can’t boycott my non playing, I prefer to play online games, here you can discover…
Joker (2019)
I have made a few posts here fully mobile, and will link them when I get to a proper computer. I am drinking a beautiful, by a fire, smoking a Monte Cristo #5 while pretty sick. This has no bearing on this post. Except the mobile part. I just watched Joker. Obviously, no spoilers here….
The Boys (Amazon Prime)
This original series starts off as anything but, well, original. Familiar looking and homogeneously named super folk start off doing heroic deeds. Within ten minutes you quickly realize this isn’t your typical superhero story. And by the end of the second episode you are dealt a healthy, fun does of WTF. I really enjoyed this…
Going Green
It’s hard to believe as Everquest hit it’s 20th anniversary that Project 1999 – the Daybreak “approved” emulation server that is locked in the Velious expansion for eternity – is getting a new server. Project 1999 already has a RED server (For PVP, essentially dead and with XP bonuses) and the BLUE server – which…
Happy Belated Birthday* I HAS PC Turned Eleven
I missed it two years in a row. I promise my record is better with family birthdays, wedding anniversaries and the like. August 27, 2008 was my first blog post. Every year when I remember I missed my own blog birthday I tend to look back at the journey and ponder the way forward. Instead,…
Aging Reminders
Every once in a while I go and visit my “Writers Resting in Paradise” page where I have saved blogs that I used to link to that are no longer in circulation. (Is that the right term? Makes it sound fancy!). It’s fun/sad to see what some of the old URLs have been hijacked by…
Anthem : Could Have, Would Have, Should Have.
You wouldn’t have known it if you aren’t a follower of the game, but Anthem launched it’s Cataclysm event without even a public notice. Almost like secret. Usually things like that would be kind of a big deal. Only three months behind the official announcement (to be fair, they did say they were moving away…
On Community
I am away for the first two weeks of every August. I go back to my home town to teach at a hockey camp. We rent a cottage, generally have crappy wifi, and spend mornings and early afternoons at the rink and late afternoons and evenings on the lake. I grew up in beautiful Cottage…
Ding! Level 50 – 20 years later
My Enchanter hit level 50 on the weekend and it felt like an accomplishment. Which, of course, sounds completely ridiculous to say out loud. Or type out loud. Whatever, you get it. It is only the second character I have ever topped 50 with in any iteration of EQ. The other being my 55 Troll…
Player Designed Constructs : By Necessity
Yes, still playing Project 1999 pretty much exclusively. Yes, still completely bonkers. Thank you. I wanted to explore the concept a bit of how players substitute missing game features by using what is available to them, and particularly, how this builds social bonds. Specifically the entire guild in Project 1999 called “Dial A Port”. Realizing…
Pantheon : Rise of the Lore
I follow many sub Reddits on Reddit (that is what they are called, aren’t they?) although I don’t read a lot there. However, there are a few key ones I skim semi-regularly. The Anthem debacle coverage in the Reddit is equally depressing and entertaining, and like a car crash is often impossible to look away….
The Grind the Binds, Unkind.
I am in a funny spot in Project 1999. Level 45. And by funny, I mean painful. It’s a test. It’s the first real “hell level” of many more to come. For those of you who don’t know what a hell level is I will explain. It roughly takes 2x the amount of XP to…
Mission Accomplished! 20 Years Later
For some reason I can’t do screenshots from one of my computers for Project 1999, but I can for another. And this whole story was sadly not captured because I was on the wrong computer when it happened. But it is a story, and one I am very, very excited about! I finished the quest…
Classic World of Warcraft : Maybe. Probably Not.
Yes, the irony of using a Project 1999 screenshot as the feature image. (Yay, screenshots working there now with Nvida Experience update!) However, that is the main reason why I probably won’t be playing World of Warcraft Classic. I was reading over at the Aggronaut (can’t link directly to article, getting a 404, but it’s…
I get odd requests here and there to put linkable infographics, promote products, etc. Of course I never do that (unless I actually like and use the product, and even then I don’t respond to the request I just continue on my merry way. This one was interesting to me – because I had made…
It Matters : EQ P1999
As it sometimes does (on a good day) my post about Nostalgia and being stuck in a frozen moment of Everquest spawned a couple of responses. And this is why I like blogging – I read them, thought about them, learned some new things, and gained a bit of clarity on the subject. Oh, not…
Why Does Nostalgia Work?
I bet many smarter, better writers have tackled this but as I grind out level after level in Project 1999 I am desperately trying to find the answer of how in the hell I am having so much fun. Or even am I? I spent years there already, and this version has a shelf life…
Nailed It! : Anthem
Courtesy of Paul Tassi, Forbes. Excuse me while I go pout on my Ancient Crocodile camp in Project 1999 for the past 4 levels (31-35) At least loot works there.