One of my favorite blogs to visit is The Ancient Gaming Noob (TAGN) and he recently posted an Influential 15Â list – started by another blogger and other sites are also playing along. The parts I read indicated not too many rules, but just do not overthink it – only take 15 minutes, and list…
Author: Isey
EQN Landmark – 4 Extra Closed Beta Keys
First off – check out these amazing player creations already – amazing work by EQN:L Trailblazers! Imagine a sandbox world filled with those…. Alpha is ending, and while I haven’t been playing as much (here comes the wipe!) I definitely will be rebuilding and trying again when Beta starts. Here is the good news – as…
What Is In a Name?
One of my first AHA! (and simply HA!) moments with Everquest was in their Guide program and how the EQ name filter worked. The name filter was manual. Every guide on at the time would get a popup box asking if the proposed name was suitable – and guides simply clicked “yes” or “no”. This…
The Pain and Suffering of EQ (Happy Birthday!)
Makes it memorable for us old MMOers. The dying breed. Consider this story from the EQ boards: Unrest was and might still be one of my very favorite places in the entire game. I had SO much fun there back in the day that even when I should have been far, far away I was…
Quote of The Century
I try not to blog about politics (so polarizing!) on a video game blog, but still, this is the best quote EVER and completely encompasses all that is wrong with politics. “disparaging statements about one’s opponent (whether true, mostly true, mostly not true, or entirely fantastic) are cornerstones of American democracy.†It gets better, albeit…
Askimet Showing Cracks?
Askimet has been a great, free, spam stopper on this blog since I started it in 2008. In fact, it has stopped 62,479 comments from being spam. (which is ~62x the REAL comments I have received!) Lately I am squashing spam comments that are sneaking through – and I have rarely ever had to do…
Funny Thing Happened To Me On The Way To Kill Evil..
.. I started having fun in Diablo three. There are three clear reasons (ironically!) 1) The 50%+ EXP boost. I gained more levels (in one day) then I did in all my prior hours of play sessions when the game first launched. With a game that scales with levels.. who cares how slow you gain?…
Dry Spells and Random Stuffs
This happens to me often with gaming – I hit dry spells. This occurs when life gets too busy and/or games get a bit dry for me. Thankfully, right now I am in the former – just busy. This, in turn, makes blogging more challenging because if you aren’t playing then there’s not much to…
Corporate Governance
This sat in drafts and I never got around to finishing it. Now the info is really outdated, but still – wanted to talk about companies that make games really briefly. First, we have this nice reminder of EA being voted worst company to work for (again) Then, we have FUNCOM being raided for suspected…
Hopes and Dreams and Tools
Could EQN:L lead to a full blown platform to make our own games? While I don’t think so, I like to be positive and for a change think “why not”. Very blue ocean thinking but take Landmark, add in Story Bricks, and an item editor\creator and quest builder and voilà – you have many tools to make…
I Still Can’t Build
.. but I am having a lot of fun trying. Some shots of my “progress” A hole you say? Yes. I was able to craft dynamite and threw 10 sticks (one by one) in a single spot. Explosives could end up being a lot of fun in this game. They need to tune it so…
Soft Posts
I have been travelling for work the past couple of weeks (and doing so until this weekend) so I haven’t been working on my masterpiece (*cough cough*) in EQN:Landmark. And I am missing the game. My travel PC is a Microsoft Surface Pro 2 and as I have mentioned in the recent past, I love…
Measuring The Same Thing Two Ways
Interesting observation as I was travelling through the USA and watching Olympic coverage. Canada counts good medals as the ultimate qualifier (odd considering their demeanor) for medal standings. Most gold medals is first, if tied use silver as a tie breaker and then bronze as the “rubber match”. A country with just 15 gold medals…
A House Isn’t A Home (without a Dragon’s Head)
I haven’t been building much but have been playing with the outside of my home. The inside is the intricate work that I don’t have a natural eye for (and there aren’t that many “props” in game yet). Outsides are dramatic. People can see them from miles away. Your outside is likely to make people…
It’s not pretty. I have zero artistic or architectural ability. I do have patience, however. I got the LINE tool (which is quite the grind) which requires tier 3Â crafting stations. This makes roofs easy to make. Basically its great for slopes, ramps, etc. So, armed with all(?) of the tools in game currently, let’s…
3:10 Train to Ledge (Tier 2)
I have a couple of paths I run in my normal “day to day” in EQN: Landmark. There is a sweet, sweet area I found ripe with multiple ores I require for progression, and a hidden forest which is needed for every tool and crafting station (in unfair abundance right now, although they are patching…
Love Thy Neighbor
Well, now that I see Bhagpuss is playing testing I need to go claim beside him! Then I can love him and squeeze him and call him George. No, I wouldn’t be THAT annoying. I also won’t link to his updates every day =) That silly thought was inspired by meeting two of my neighbors – one at…
Landmark Preview
This video is about a month old, but worth watching. Gives you a good backdrop to Minecraft SOE style. (And I say that in a very, very nice way). The tools are that easy to use. How this turns into a game besides Minecraft+ and what they do with the expected amazing community creations is…
Alpha Dog
Combine an Alpha test of a highly anticipated title with a $100 entry fee and what do you get? What do you think you will get? A lot of whiners. I am going to keep the cut and pastes to a zero because it is an internal alpha boards (even though there is no NDA…
Everquest Next: Landmark Alpha Launches
I have never been much of a blog to cover the latest news, but this was in my inbox bright and early this morning. I am really close to pulling the trigger on it – I am interested in building, and the pace just might be my style. Of course, I miss the old days…
Reroll and Random Thoughts
After the grand level of 8 on my “Return of the Warden” project I rerolled to an Elf. I was reminded early in the Man-questing campaign that I was mortal by Elondrialle (sp) and I said screw that! No, no, no and not because I secretly yearn for Legolazz leetness or anything either. My LOTRO main (back…
In MAY 2009 I wrote a post about Remakes. In it, I listed my three favorite old games I wish would be remade – this was on the heels of Mike Tyson’s Punchout being relaunched which I bought for the Wii, and played all the way to the champ himself. This is why it is…
I have a bunch of items in LOTRO that are flagged as non-junk – supposedly I can turn them in and get daily rewards for doing so. (tattered hides.. battered hilts..) unfortunately for me, I am only using in game resources to learn my way around LOTRO. No websites, nada. So, learning that these can…
Over Rewarding
I get something nice just for logging in everyday in LOTRO. I got a pair of gloves yesterday that were literally 10x better than the ones I was wearing. I mean, I know people want little wins.. but instant success is many steps past deferred success and does absolutely nothing for anyone. I could almost justify…
5 Mans
First, an aside. When reading Rivs blog on my blogroll this comment stuck out to me: it’s nice seeing people reading what you write. It was easier to comment on blogs, nowadays it seems you have to jump through hoops of fire to comment on a blog. Which I find is true for a lot…