MMO gamers seem to be lamenting the fact that everything starts at the “endgame” in current mmo-land. The grind/level mechanics exist mostly to slow you down to getting to a point where you can start having fun. While that sounds back-ass-wards, the common argument in support is traditionally “Developers can’t create enough content to keep…
Month: May 2009
Alliance Druids Rejoice
Time to level ol’ Couchon again.
Continuing My Excellence in Game Breaking News
So much to get excited about, I’m not sure where to begin. With that in mind I will begin here. Released in the late 80’s (1987?) Mike Tyson’s Punch Out was a game on the SNES that my friends and I played for hours on end. It was a classic. Ah the memories. The 2009…
Alamo Will be Happy
Druids about to see a popularity increase? Credit: The old
Yay Spam?
Oh, the joys of Askimet. After the break, I’ll show you my latest and greatest last 10 spam messages which were caught by the automatic filter. I “de-linked” them but kept everything else in tact (yes, there are some URLs in there – plenty, actually) so if SPAM makes you sick, or you do not…
More From the Mine
Not of Moira. Sorry LOTRO fans. I hope Zardoz doesn’t end up getting sick of me linking to his posts, but data gets me all hot and heavy. WoW data is always fun, and a couple weeks ago he posted his Minority Report outlining level 80 class allocation at 3.1.1. His sampling methods are reasonable so…
Skills Baby
Suzina over at KTR posts about a couple recent gaming experiences in LOTRO. It’s a good read for several reasons, but mostly because it captures the essence of what is great about MMO’s – success and failure. I shared a snazzy yet true golf analogy in the comments section about “hooks”. MMO’s live on hooks. …
How My Alpha Game Testing is Going. Check.
Cool premise? Check. Decent art direction? Check. Story and Lore? Check. WoW treadmill/quest hub/kill ten rats style gameplay? Check. As the business expert Jimmy John Shark would say if developers still don’t understand what “different” is. If every other entrepreneur didn’t figure it out either, we would still be cranking our cars with a handle…
I have switched my browser from good ol’ MSIE 8.0 (the new version) to Safari. I know many out there Firefox it, maybe even Google Chrome, but I just like basic functionality (and not having to learn new things all the time.) I didn’t download it purposely, I am a big fan of the iPhone…
Where I Have Been
I have been working on a pretty big acquisition of a company past few weeks. Haven’t had much time to sleep, let alone blog. I did have the option of completely neglecting my family – but chose to neglect the blog instead. Little bit of a shame as I was having extra fun blogging throughout…