Of course I am days behind on the breaking news that Brad McQuaid has died. And I feel loathe to even link to my posts about him here in the past. But I will. Here is when he suddenly returned and I called him out for shenanigans and past issues – fairly or unfairly at…
Month: November 2019
Movies are NOT Real Life
Either are video games. I have noticed this has been a challenge for some progressive reviewers of movies recently. That is too broad of a statement. Let me rephrase. This is the challenge with progressives as reviewers who can’t divorce make believe from reality. Society seems to already be struggling with facts vs feelings but…
An Everquest Adventure
Keep in mind this is on a time locked emulator, Project 1999. I made a new friend as only you can in EQ. I had some time before work and logged in to find the Ancient Cyclops camp open. I’ve been making tens of thousands here. With people leaving Blue for Green (and Teal), the…
Project 1999 Faces Population Issues
Who knew? The Project 1999 Green Server was so popular it was sitting at 2500 characters at launch, and well into week two. Keep in mind that is around 250 players per starting area. (Of course, not as neatly broken down that way, more like 500 in Gfay and 150 in Innoruk, but still. Get…