Callan hits an interesting point in the comment section over at Tesh’s musings about the value of his time. I am in Tesh’s camp here, where my discretionary budget is at an all time high, and my time budget is at an all time low. Gamers often judge the value of a game based on how…
Month: September 2010
Star Wars The Old Republic : Hopes and Dreams
I have writers block. I have 7 drafts written on various topics but am having a hard time piecing them together. Some of them are related, and I think, can I combine them? Do they make sense? I have lost my groove, and working to find it. My time off blogging was spent playing 3…
Here’s Your Answer, Tesh!
I suppose the Global Agenda ‘strike while the iron is hot’ promo is, uh, striking while the iron is hot. Last chance for APB refugees and other Shooter/MMO fans to receive discount Dear Shooter/MMO Fans: Recently, I wrote an open letter to APB Refugees and other fans of the Shooter/MMO genre. In that letter, we offered…
The Body is Still Warm…
Received this in my inbox today. An Open Letter to Shooter/MMO Fans from Hi-Rez Studios Dear Shooter/MMO Fans: The last few years have been rough for many fans of the Shooter/MMO genre. Several innovative game titles with great communities have folded as they sought to bring together those of us who enjoy the fast-action, intense…
iPhone Game Fun: Flight Control
This little doozy is addicting. The premise – land like colored planes on like colored landing strips while managing the flight space so none of them hit each other. The twists – easily identifiable planes (of the same color as well) fly at different speeds. The hook – you can’t win. It goes by total…
I has Returned
Miss me? I’m sorry I left! I had a whirlwind year where both the effort and joy of blogging had to take a backseat. It has been a very interesting year. I became a CEO (complete with the 90+ hour work weeks) I almost lost, then managed to salvage, my marriage I had a 6…