Loyalty (in MMO gaming terms) comes in several forms from consumer to the game. Here are three gamer type examples – there is a lot of in between, and parts of each, but for the most part most gaming is done in and around the three below examples. I am giving them names so we can…
Month: June 2014
The Sub Fee is the Bane of my MMO Gaming
I paid a lot of sub fee dollars to EQ, DAOC, and WoW, so please, don’t get all uppity. I have spoken about this a lot. I am currently paying WildStar a sub fee. I have been travelling for work, and very busy with home and family. I get it – that makes it “my…
River – High Latency Life
I am shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden passing of one of our community members – Chris “River” Cavelle. Rivs authored High Latency Life and I personally thoroughly enjoyed interacting with him. I read him weekly and participated on his blog (and he here sometimes too.) He had an engaging style of blogging…
Another Missed Opportunity
I woke up with an email from Arenanet this morning. I was legitimately intrigued. GW2 is a game I bought, and I played up until level 40 – and burnt out because the solo leveling grind just wasn’t fun for me. I loved the aesthetics, and most of the combat (the weapon swap LAS wasn’t…
Spammy McSpamertons
Holy bejezzus. (that PG enough?) Spent a week working and not playing or blogging, came back to my blog with thousands of spam messages caught by askimet. Anyone (much smarter than I?) care to explain how the nonesens-ish posts somehow create clickthroughs or traffic? And how many Michael Kohrs bags need to be spammed anyway?…