Comic created by Funny Stuff! The Cities XL closed beta started last week (I cannot confirm or deny being a part of aforementioned beta) and it has brought a lot of attention back to one of the great PC staples of the ‘building genre’, and ties a little MMO into it. I loved Sim…
Month: June 2009
Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?
Breaking news over at broken toys – the return of an old MMO hero/villain. Is Brad McQuaid back? Myself, as well as others tend to think it’s a hoax. Let’s chat about it a bit – it has been a slow gaming “work” week anyway.
Lighter Topic
I am part of a WoW guild. I have spoken briefly about it in the past in a few topics, but nothing major (you know, the one I used to be GM of, yadda yadda). It’s going through a change right now, and the people that founded the guild are mostly gone. It was a…
Don’t Be a Hater!
The lawyer-in-training is coming out (heh, no pun intended) in me today. In law school, professors hammer into us the fact that “words matter.” A lot of time and effort is spent poring over words and their meanings; often disputes will turn upon a word that you and I think has a fairly settled definition….
Forswearing Greed – Developers take Notice
This post is inspired by the article of the same title in the June 6th to 12th edition of the Economist. A group of Harvard Business MBA students have made attempts to turn management into a formal profession. Doctors have their oath, so do Lawyers. CEO’s have always had one too – except it isn’t…
It’s All Just TOO Difficult!
Pope here. Today Blizzard announced major changes to the mount structure. Most notable amongst the changes is that flying mounts will now be accessed at level 60. Normal flying will be 150% speed instead of 60% like it has been since flying mounts were launched. Wow. What’s more: Blizzard is now including a portal from…
Repetitive Monetization Theoretics
Newsflash: MMO’s make you grind. (That new, informative and ground breaking statement should win me a blog-pulitzer, or blog-nobel, I am certain of it.) Follow Up: People tend to not like grind. MMOment of Truth: Grind equals profits for companies (both in the form of longer sub fee collection, and minimizing development costs) Sad Truth:…
What is Hurting WoW’s Polish?
Warning – Fanboi’s may attack! WoW has changed. Change is sometimes a good thing, and I’m not going to belabor the obvious changes (less challenge) or industry misconceptions (subs are needed to cover ongoing costs) instead, I am going to look at two things I have noticed the most since my foray back into WoW. First, to stave of…
I took my 4 year old son and my wife (or did they take me?) to the movie UP! over the weekend. First off, I am loving the glorious 3D action that is making it’s way back into theaters. It is good to see the industry figuring out that if you don’t enhance the experience, it’s…
An Idea…
First off, big thanks to Chris for letting me post here. I had this thought rolling around in my head, but no real spot to post it (my regular readership on my blog wouldn’t really get it). Unbeknownst to him, Chris actually touched on the problem I’m looking at in this post in his “welcome”…
Introducing (the) Pope
A friend of mine is going to start adding a post or two, here or there on this site. The thought came by in a discussion – he reads a lot of gaming blogs and wouldn’t mind sharing his thoughts. I thought it would be fun to give him an outlet. I have known Pope…
Valve Announces L4D2 – Fans Rejoice/Hate
Exciting news for fans of the game for sure! A sequel so close to the original – (Left 4 Dead launced last November) seems to have the fans of the title confused. Some, who have spent tons of hours in zombie guts glee are extactic that the new game, with new features and improvements, is…
Bing Vs. Google
Bing Search: I has PC 1.      Lack of consistency on offence, defence has PC’s Welsh in bind.. 2.      Dell’s All-in-One PC Has the Guds, Design to Compete with iMac… 3.      I HAS PC 4.      Property: HAS PC member – 5.      Motorola’s Renew has PC Magazine’s GreenTech Seal of Approval.. Google Search: I has PC…