This original series starts off as anything but, well, original. Familiar looking and homogeneously named super folk start off doing heroic deeds. Within ten minutes you quickly realize this isn’t your typical superhero story. And by the end of the second episode you are dealt a healthy, fun does of WTF. I really enjoyed this…
Month: September 2019
Going Green
It’s hard to believe as Everquest hit it’s 20th anniversary that Project 1999 – the Daybreak “approved” emulation server that is locked in the Velious expansion for eternity – is getting a new server. Project 1999 already has a RED server (For PVP, essentially dead and with XP bonuses) and the BLUE server – which…
Happy Belated Birthday* I HAS PC Turned Eleven
I missed it two years in a row. I promise my record is better with family birthdays, wedding anniversaries and the like. August 27, 2008 was my first blog post. Every year when I remember I missed my own blog birthday I tend to look back at the journey and ponder the way forward. Instead,…