Chapter One of Quick Updates Exploring Stories Told is the start of this blog. Truth be told, I can’t even recall what I was playing then (had to have been WoW) but I am sure a lot of that will come out in the posts themselves. I had 3 posts to my starting month. August…
Category: Mythic
How to Lose a MMO Gamer in 10 Ways
In the romantic comedy “How to lose a guy in 10 days” A reporter is writing an article with that name – and wants to prove she can lose a guy in 10 days. On the other side, the guy, a big advertising exec takes a bet that he can make a woman fall in…
My Influential 15
One of my favorite blogs to visit is The Ancient Gaming Noob (TAGN) and he recently posted an Influential 15Â list – started by another blogger and other sites are also playing along. The parts I read indicated not too many rules, but just do not overthink it – only take 15 minutes, and list…
Hasta La Vista WAR! 3 of 4
When WAR classes were dropped they did the mirror classes. The counterpart to the Black Guard was the Knight of the Blazing Sun (KOTBS) quite possibly the longest named class in MMO history. Fact check, anyone? When they released concept art there was so much feathery delight to them that I felt took away the…
Adios WAR! 2 of 4
The second WAR comic was the Black Guard, a terrifying Dark Elf class of pure evil (originally slated to be a tank). His comic was an easy personality, complete evil that even the producers didn’t like dealing with him. (click anywhere on the comic to view). This class was actually one of the ones I…
Au Revoir WAR! 1 of 4
I loved WAR. It was the best BETA ever, and really showed the potential for a pure PVP game (with PVE elements) to shine. I talked about it in the past but the short list of why the BETA was awesome was: Every player was funneled into areas – so there was equal representation of…
I Am So Weak
Despite my obvious and clear negative reaction to the original thought of supporting Mark Jacobs, a couple things happened that was a tad silly and makes me a soft person. No no, not that kind of soft but mushy nostalgic soft. First, I tried to find the Stratics boards which were the main boards I used to…
I Am Alone In My MMO
Amazing things have happened in MMO advancement. Graphics, systems, play styles, game modes, etc. etc. etc. We have come a long, long way from multiple week grinds to get a level and losing all of your items (and even levels) upon death. Most of us, while we may look fondly back on the memories of…
Keep Camelot Chained
I have a love/hate relationship with Marc Jacobs. Love for DAOC – I left EQ for that game, and played it hard and religiously for years – even after Trials of Atlantis came out. I played on the testserver (Pendragon) and submitted bugs, and was active in the community. The guild I was a part…