Dipping the Toe Back In

And almost had it cut off. With Izlain’s inadvertent prodding and poking I re-downloaded League of Legends. It’s always hard returning to a game you haven’t played in a while and especially so when it is a game that changes frequently. There is a relearning period where not only are you remembering the basics of…

Quitting Games

I forgot to mention I quit League of Legends sometime ago. Right around the end of the last season. It was odd because it wasn’t even a decision. I just stopped playing. It was my daily login and play game, and one day, I just stopped. Ant them I found the advises from sportda where…

Odds Are in My Favour

Still playing League of Legends and I am nearing my placement matches to move up from Bronze (crap) to Silver (less crap). it has been an arduous climb, but somewhat of a positive experience. My top laners (Wukong, Pantheon) continue to be my bread and butter and I have recently added Rumble – and have…

(mis)Quote Of The Week

We always have opportunities to strip down, tear open, expose, pump up, or otherwise put emphasis on the female chest. Riot art designer Ironstylus on his thoughts on Champion remakes – Sivir, especially. Go read the original article though, he actually has a chesty, large, bouncing point – although the misquoted version is way better. (also…


Continuing my series of posts on LOL I present to you – Pantheon! Anyone who is a fan of Spartans, the movie 300, or just general Manliness loves this guy. He is a mid-game beast in League of Legends, and helped me make my best move of the entire season last night. In LoL there…

Master of None

  I have been mostly just playing League of Legends lately. It does free to play exceptionally well. Sadly, my experiment isn’t going as I had hoped although my sample size is small. Through 27 games, 7.41% are decided by an intentional feeder, 7.41% a Troll Pick, 11.11% from an AFK, 55.56% of my games are heavily…

18.07% Fun

I played a lot of League of Legends during season two. It is a game that fulfilled my PVP spirit and as my first (and only) MOBA had a lot going for it in the way the games played out. It is kind of like baseball – your individual effort really has an impact on the team…

Customer Service Win

After reading this great customer service example over at World of Shadow, I’m back thinking of my own CS purchase experiences in the gaming world. Of course, from there, I can’t help but continue to think, and discuss, why customer service basics don’t flow over into the gaming sphere. In my first link above, the…