Holy bejezzus. (that PG enough?) Spent a week working and not playing or blogging, came back to my blog with thousands of spam messages caught by askimet. Anyone (much smarter than I?) care to explain how the nonesens-ish posts somehow create clickthroughs or traffic? And how many Michael Kohrs bags need to be spammed anyway?…
Author: Isey
Guaging Success – WildStar Launch
WildStar head start drops tonight at 3am EST. Best of luck to their team and the players partaking in it. This will be interesting and fun to watch – there are a lot of eyes on WildStar. This is also the first MMO launch I have been a part of since Warhammer Online (and we…
Player Servers
Is SOE trying to be a company for the people suddenly? The idea of separate server rulesets is not new in MMOs with PVP, RP, PVE and other combinations but they don’t go far enough to offer real player choice. While not released (and just being discussed) I am liking the thought that SOE will give…
Quote worth Quoting
I love reading Bio Break’s quote of the day and read Syp’s blog daily. Sometimes I find quotes on other blogs I really enjoy, so I may throw one up now and again. Here is one I read today! “SOE has sent a message that H1Z1 isn’t just another Zombie-themed survival sim where the story…
Housing I Would Buy Into (or Rent/Lease)
Housing is all the craze and I’m loving the options. My first (and best) experience with housing in general was in DAOC. We had this nice, big, shiny Guild House! It had crafting, and portals, and trophies.. and was an awesome place where guildmates would spend downtime or whittle away at their trade skills. While…
40 Man Raids (Redux)
There is plenty of healthy debate about WildStar bringing back 40 man raids. This is also connected to a broader raid difficulty discussion. I will share my raiding experience and opinion. (Since you asked) EQ – I was on the testserver and as such, raids were a server wide event for the most part – there…
Zombie Defcon Orange
I like zombies. When I checked my tags I was sad to see that I actually only have 4 posts that talk about Zombies. And while I have a Zombie category, I typically only categorize by design house. Of course, I did change my tag system to a series of misguided, oft-not-funny, sarcastic remarks since…
Star Citizen – SERIOUSLY
continuing my ‘intriguing’ web series of pulling old draft posts from the grave and completing them whether they are relevant or not (this one is! (I think)). This one I started in January – naught 6 months old! 39M in funding? (43.5 at the time of this draft necro..)Â That’s crazy. Nuts, even. I don’t spend…
Refusing to Repeat Content
One challenge with all these fun beta and alpha tests (WildStar and Landmark, respectively) is that I don’t want to play too long or too far – because I know when the game launches, if I decide to play, I will have to do this all over again. Also, if the beta is a “doomed…
Flex Builds Ruining Immersion?
I am starting to feel that flexibility on my characters is hurting immersion. I am very flip-floppy on this subject so please help! In movies and high fantasy typically a hero is “good at one thing”. Legolas has short swords/daggers but really, he uses his bow. And he is famous for it. Luke Skywalker has…
The Newbie Blogger Initiative
I am not “officially” participating in the NBI this year and it definitely has nothing to do with not being interested – this year is just bad timing for me with a whirlwind of work and family commitments I’ll barely get around to posting (but am trying!) All that being said, I think it is…
I Must Have Been Trolled =)
I took down my last post – turns out the guys I was running the WildStar dungeons with must have been trolling me. I have read the truth and turns out the medals are grouped base. After the run I asked what everyone else got and they told me differently. So, I was either trolled…
Wild On WildStar
Another beta weekend gone by with WildStar and some significant time was spent within the game. The extended weekend was helpful as I had both Friday and Monday off of work *and* my wife was out of town so it was a perfect storm of gaming. The Medic I got to beta-max level (20) on…
MMO Information / Stats
I love information and believe that all MMOs should be regularly publishing information that is only available to them. This would get rid of the “what ifs” and curiosities of the general population. It would also get rid of the mis-information. Is 50% of the “tanks” a paladin in the end game? Why *not* share that…
WildStar Pre-Order Sales Slump?
Not sure if this is a bad sign, or if they are just trying to pump up box sales. I always thought launch time was the best time to get a full pop of box price? I only have a free CURSE account (used to help manage my WoW addons back in the day) and…
Ying to the Yang (Yo)
I have been playing EQ a lot. It’s a fun comparative after just playing WildStar for the weekend. I have recently spent time being nostalgic about starter zones in EQ, and decided it would be neat to try out EQ from a new player’s perspective. And that means starting off in Gloomingdeep Mines. I rolled an Enchanter (one…
Draft Necro – Hearthstone Classes
Like many bloggers I have a whole suite of post “drafts” – ones that I start and never finish. Periodically I am going to revive these posts, and finish them (or parts of them) even if they aren’t entirely relevant. Why? Why not! Sometimes I fire off a single thought (or several paragraphs) and then…
Girls Gone WildStar
Well, my first WildStar “Beta” weekend behind me! I don’t do reviews but I love chatting about games so I am going to do a pretty simple format and some random thoughts below. What did I learn? Let’s run some rankings/meters! These meters are not in any specific order or weighting. Slick Rick Meter – 9.5/10….
Interwebs Issues
Just a short service announcement – I have been having server issues. My site has been down intermittently. This has caused the Nasdaq to plummet and world oil prices to rise. My apologies. Don’t give up on me! Seems to happen randomly and I’m looking for answers. On a side note – I got access to…
Trolling EQ
Fisdib is almost ready to start farming the Minotaur Caves in Steamfont, and for fun I decided to check out all my existing characters on the Testserver. Its been hard to hop back in mid stride having missed a lot of things over the past, oh, 12 years (hence my fresh start with Fisdib). My…
I *Have* Been Living Under a Rock [Wildstar]
If you look at my “About ME” section you will see I have spent a lot of time in a lot of games testing prior to release – from genre changers (EQ) to huge flops (Earth and Beyond, Horizons) and so on. A couple of years ago I stopped focusing on trying to get in…
Dead Space is Free
In what looks like an effort to increase Origin downloads/logins, EA is giving away Dead Space and it’s either out of the goodness of their hearts or just an incentive to give up your soul to the Origin platform. I never played Dead Space and it received a lot of accolades so I am doing it. Free…
In current MMO land I am certain I’d get an achievement DING and maybe a blogging battle pet (or something). Personally I’m not one for making big deals out of milestones (especially when it comes to blogging) but when checking my dashboard noticed I had crossed that threshold, and for a fleeting moment thought it was…
EQN:L Closed Beta
Just posting here for anyone interested! I will be playing on the COURAGE (US) Server (assuming it is still there) and will be hoping to claim land near some friends. With this in mind, if you find a place to claim, please post it here! I am at work today *ahem* so I won’t be…
The Prodigal Son Returns. Or Something. (Hint: It’s Something)
Fisdib reappeared in Ak’Anon on a quiet winter’s day. It was a momentus occasion! I was exhilarated! I was excited to visit memory lane! I was excited to experience the changes! I was lost. Of course, now there is a map function (which is VERY handy) but I completely forgot how big Ak’Anon was. Within…