I finished X-COM 2, as I said I would last post. The final battle was a bit of a gong show in challenge, and I was down to two of six soldiers at the very end. It might had been worse, if my favorite hero (Jill Kelley) didn’t go berzerk. In the “perfect storm” of…
Category: 2K Games
X-COM 2 : War of the Chosen
XCOM is one of my top games, ever in together with online gambling that I learn how to be the best one thanks the advises from www.widgetbox.com. The old, original punishing one. One of the cool things about having a blog is going back over your own words – it’s scary to think I don’t…
X-COM 2 Misses
Clever blog title is clever. I am talking about X-COM 2, and 2 misses the game had that should be updated / changed for expansions, or X-COM 3. What is that category called on Wheel of Fortune? Before and after. Boom. Now that we are completely off the topic at hand, here are the two…
20 Hours of X-COM 2
After 20 hours of X-COM 2 I have emphatically decided it is the best game I have played in five years. I don’t know which exact game it is replacing from 5 years ago as the new best, only that it is so good and so perfect for me right now, that surely it is…
I Met Bile
Bile One thing I particularly love about MMOs (well, the old experience for sure) is that you made bonds playing them. Those stopped for me when I stopped playing WoW, but I have several people as Facebook friends that I have never met in real life. There are a few that I can’t wait to,…
Birthdays and Forums
My birthday was yesterday! I was reminded of such while driving home from a hockey game at 12:04 am by 2K forums. While I was appreciative of the well wishes I did have to chuckle a bit. The last time I posted or visited those forums was in 2008. We at 2K Forums would like…
I Win X-Com
Lovely game. I think there were some great opportunities to flesh out the plot and story much deeper but perhaps that wasn’t core to the tactical “sim” from the outset. The production quality, gameplay, and spirit to the original was kept well in tact and exceeded my expectations. I wasn’t sure if it would live…
X-Com vs X-Com
Kenny vs. Spenny was a pretty funny and really silly (ie: dumb?) tv show. The basic premise was two best friends that would do entire shows against each other, in competition, for anything you could really think of. Some non-Emmy nominated content: Who can stay in a haunted house the longest? Who would make the best soldier?…
Confusing Sales
I understand the mindset behind the Steam sales – a lot of times they are games that have been out for months – if not years, so getting $1.99 for a $19.99 game past it’s prime has some sense behind it – because normally, you would just get zero. Regardless of what customers you piss…
Customer Service Win
After reading this great customer service example over at World of Shadow, I’m back thinking of my own CS purchase experiences in the gaming world. Of course, from there, I can’t help but continue to think, and discuss, why customer service basics don’t flow over into the gaming sphere. In my first link above, the…
Steam Sale Stings! (also – my Baseball Game is now a RPG)
I picked up MLB 2k10 from 2k sports over the weekend. I enjoyed 2k9, and the $20 price tag is a nice entry level. Today I check out steam, and that same title is now on sale for $1.99. 90% off! While that is indeed impressive, now my valued purchase makes me feel like I…
Skills Baby
Suzina over at KTR posts about a couple recent gaming experiences in LOTRO. It’s a good read for several reasons, but mostly because it captures the essence of what is great about MMO’s – success and failure. I shared a snazzy yet true golf analogy in the comments section about “hooks”. MMO’s live on hooks. …
Missed Marketing Opportunity – Take 2
I had a birthday over the weekend. Actually scaled back working a bit to enjoy it, and what was planned as a nice quiet dinner out with my wife, followed by some quality couch time (with our little one spending the night at Nana’s) turned out to be a full blown surprise party. It was…
Customer Support 2K9 – Updated
*I noticed some Google searches pushing people to this blog post. I DID find a solution (all on my own) and I posted it in my 2k9 forums thread – linked in the article below. GOOD LUCK if you are having the same problems!* Customers suck, right? We bitch and moan about EVERYTHING! Go read…