On a train and reading Reddit it became clear immediately that MasterWork drop rates have increased in Anthem – every other post is about how great it is to get more loot and how much fun everyone is having. Many people (including myself) discussed that due to the inscription pool increasing loot drops would go a long way to make Anthem more rewarding and fun as they iron out other issues. So kudos to Bioware for making this change!
Except, no change has been publicly made, and there is a planned patch today. No one from BIoware / Anthem has confirmed this was intentional. I am nervous for Anthem right now.
IF this is intentional, get out in front, claim it, tweet / text / post “we heard you and we increased it!) and get some much needed (and deserved, if it IS true) kudos for making a simple change that will encourage your playing customer base to keep playing.
IF this is NOT intentional, and it is reverted, the anger is going to be unbearable. This could be a nightmare for Anthem and Bioware. I am actually nervous for the game right now. The longer there is no official response the more I am worried it is going to end up being a disaster.
#pleasebeintentional #ifnotsayitisanyway #dontrevert #stealthfixisstillafix
A patch dropped about 30m after you posted this, I wonder what the loot is like now.
I’m still going to hold off until we have some form of additional content added as well, but I hope they do own and retain this change!