I am now a PC game service enabler. There needs to be a better term. I had become an annual Origin Pass member, which gives you access to 150 EA games (plus early access to new titles on a trial basis) for the grand price of $29.99. They now added a service – Origin Premier – which gives you access to all of their NEW Games (and old) including all pre-order bonuses, MTX benefits, etc. It was $129.99 Canadian. I did the math and with Battlefield V coming out (it IS out for Premier subscribers) and Anthem later in the year (Premier get early access and beta access as well) I figured I’d pre-buy the year long access for less than the cost of two games. I now have another 154 titles I could mess with if I wanted to. It’s a very good deal for me, knowing that I would have bought both anyway. Now I get a full year of access to all games they have – and that includes some I used to play but can’t bother buying these days (Madden Football, FIFA, etc.) So I can dip in and out as I wish. It’s good value.
I spent 3 or so hours playing Battlefield V, the new, WW2 inspired shooter and my first impression is this. It is gorgeous. I couldn’t hit screenshot fast enough during the introduction that gives you short stints of all parts of the game – infantry, tank, plane battles, all through a well narrated but light story about war and many country backdrops throughout. The game also really tugs on the heart strings. Instead of hardy, veteran soldiers the presented them as what many of them were – kids, thrust into battle via conscription or a sense of country and the innocence is lost quickly – along with many lives. I am looking forward to playing more.
The gun play and gameplay is amazing. It brings me back to the old Battlefield days. It’s still a bit too fast paced to be a full strategic shooter but it did slow the game down enough to be less bunny-hopping and un-immersive like the COD titles I stopped buying years ago. The maps are awesome, progression is on multiple layers and quick enough to feel fun and meaningful (early on, at least). The customisation is fitting and fun to play with from weapon skins to various clothing parts. It should be a hit. I know it is getting some negative Metacritic scores because they DARED to put a woman soldier on the primary loading screen, but that is the new normal in the PC world we live in.
Here are some shots. I’ll be covering more of this – the gameplay, the depth, the maps – in the coming days and weeks. The gallery below are parts of the opening sequence and while they will not fully capture the experience of it all – the sounds and movement are missing, of course, it does capture a lot of the beauty of the game.
Enjoy the gallery! If you have any questions about the game, send them my way. Happy to answer!
Click on any picture to open the gallery. It is not the full sequence, so reading any of the text may not match up with the text from the prior picture!
I wish they’d bring the Premiere to Xbox. We have EA Access, which is the console equivalent of Origin Pass, but they don’t offer the higher tier that gets you the new games. I’d be all over it if they did.
Yep, it’s a fantastic system. For a guy like me that would often buy 3 or more EA titles a year it’s a steal. Doesn’t make sense to pay monthly though (at $20 a month) so they get the early cash flow and commitment for 12 months. It’s a fair tradeoff.
“I know it is getting some negative Metacritic scores because they DARED to put a woman soldier on the primary loading screenâ€
You know that BF1 has a woman on the main loading screen – always has – right? And BF1 scored very well on Metacritic. BFV is just a disappointing game in the BF series with ignorance on the devs part in their choice of how to sell the game to consumers, instead choosing to say “if you don’t like it don’t buy it†– literally (that dev was let go 2 months ago).
I was being tongue in cheek 🙂 the argument IS very tiresome at this point though! Review bombs are a silly instrument.
I still maintain that so far, the BFV experience is miles ahead of bF1. The improvements to squad play and spotting especially, are incredible changes.
Sorry – guess that whole angle the devs took still pisses me off a bit. It does look amazing and those mechanics sound great. More building destruction also a good thing, and I hear there is lots of progression/customization in this, which is where BF1 fell flat for me. BF1 was a day 1 purchase and yes agree – not great. I was just hoping for less of a CoD inspired BF, and honestly am a bit burnt out on the WW setting period.
Don’t apologize. I know it is a sensitive topic and I should have treated it a bit more that way. Text is notoriously brutal on conveying intent, style, etc. sometimes. Well, especially the way I use it =)
Being burnt out on the background makes sense, but there is a lot of good here. Send me your email and I will send you a Buddy code – gives you 10 hours of access to Battlefield 5 so you can try it for free! (My email address is in the “about’ section)
That way you can try it yourself without fully committing or spending money =)