The benefit to not having a clear story in a game is that we get to make up our own. My Destiny play through is actually very clear – Guardians are white cells (leukocytes), and the Fallen and Hive are various diseases. It all happens as a visualization of a 5 year old, after hearing how white…
Author: Isey
Fantasy Sports – the Ultimate ARG?
I enjoyed learning and reading about Ingress over at Kill Ten Rats although I have never played the Alternate Reality Game and I don’t have the personal drive or interest to partake in it. While drafting my team in our annual Fantasy Football league (five years running) I started thinking about how maybe Fantasy Football is a lot…
25 KM with Destiny
I have spent three solid nights playing Destiny on my X-Box 360 and elliptical. I have totalled around 25 kilometers on the athletic device and level 10 on my Titan, 5 on my Hunter, and 2 on my Warlock. I do one hour stints on the elliptical but continue to play a couple hours afterwards…
Fly on the WildStar Wall
I finally got through the 2 hour and 15 minute marathon of the final WildStar Nation podcast. They add an extra special guest, Mattekay, who spent years working at WildStar. The podcast is a good listen, albeit a lot of profanity (more than normal) and they are having a few drinks along the way. It…
500 Million Dollar Baby
It seems a pretty fair and common thought that people equate the cost of an item with how good it is. A 5 million dollar home is probably better than a 1 million dollar home, which is better than a $100,000 trailer. A FERRARIÂ is better than a BMW which in turn is better than a…
How to Lose a MMO Gamer in 10 Ways
In the romantic comedy “How to lose a guy in 10 days” A reporter is writing an article with that name – and wants to prove she can lose a guy in 10 days. On the other side, the guy, a big advertising exec takes a bet that he can make a woman fall in…
Shooters, Consoles and Destiny – Oh My!
I have a long love of First Person Shooters and much like the MMO genre it has pretty much left me behind. The FPS experience wanted today and how they are programmed are very much not the kind of FPS I enjoy. I cut my teeth on shooters with Rainbow Six multi-player ladder. Rainbow Six…
New Look – Temporary and Accidental
I don’t hate it but also don’t love it. In my quest to fix my pingback issue I started messing around with PhP (something I am not entirely qualified for) based off of some Google-fu work on other people who have had similar issues. I ended up breaking my theme. Turns out, that old theme…
Going For a Scholarship
I like news. I am sure I have also mentioned prior my love for The Economist as a news source – it seems to be as neutral as it gets and that is very refreshing considering how polar opposite the same story is reported on Blue news (CNN) and Red news (Fox) in North America….
Post Blaugust Era – September Preview
Funny thing about habits is that you miss them when you aren’t doing them (I quit smoking over two years ago). That is the way I felt when I missed what would have been my 32nd consecutive post. Much like hitting the gym, a day of rest is a good idea now and again. OF course,…
WildStar’s Fast and Dramatic Decline
I am getting the feeling my other report (Wildstar’s Slow and Undramatic Decline) was a bit too optimistic. Perhaps the sky is falling after all (at least on Nexus). Be prepared for some hard hitting journalism today on the final day of Blaugust. Exhibit A First – the President of Carbine, Jeremy Gaffney, announced this…
I Has Blog Title
A fun and side product of Blaugust has been bloggers finding various topic-filling days and sharing them with one another. These community style posts are great – it’s part “getting to know you” and it is always fantastic to see the varied, differing and interesting viewpoints in and around BlogNation. With a couple days left…
I Win X-Com
Lovely game. I think there were some great opportunities to flesh out the plot and story much deeper but perhaps that wasn’t core to the tactical “sim” from the outset. The production quality, gameplay, and spirit to the original was kept well in tact and exceeded my expectations. I wasn’t sure if it would live…
Happy Birthday to I Has PC! 6 Years Old!
Belated. It was yesterday. This is a nice reminder that I am terrible at birthdays! August 27, 2008 was my first blog post ever. I can’t fully recall why I started blogging – I was spending a lot of time on various blogging sites and my comments kept getting longer and longer. I think I finally decided that…
Ice Bucket Challenge
A phenomenon is sweeping the world right now. Kids, adults, politicians, celebrities, baristas, judges, landscapers – hell, just about everyone – is dumping a bucket of ice water over their heads. After doing so, they nominate some friends to also dump ice water buckets over their heads (typically within 24 hours). All of this bucket…
Death, Taxes, Gaming.
“The only guarantees in life are Death and Taxes” is one of those old quotes that stand the test of time. Having been playing a lot of X-Com lately I caught myself doing something that I regretted afterwards which made me think about death in gaming a lot closer – and I realized I didn’t…
Bloggers are Old
One of the interesting observations about reading through the various “Influential 15s” that was circling around not too long ago and the more recent “21 Questions” in the past couple of weeks is that it really shows the age of most people blogging. We are an old bunch! The Starting computer/first game for the TOP…
X-Com vs X-Com
Kenny vs. Spenny was a pretty funny and really silly (ie: dumb?) tv show. The basic premise was two best friends that would do entire shows against each other, in competition, for anything you could really think of. Some non-Emmy nominated content: Who can stay in a haunted house the longest? Who would make the best soldier?…
Steampowered Hoarding
 I am staging an intervention. Yes, for you. I know, odd that you just randomly came to this site and realized that there was in intervention just waiting for you? Don’t leave – stay. Here, I wrote a letter about my feelings and I am going to read it to you. One moment, Dr. Drew…
Funny how we are sometimes reminded of how things were. The 21 questions post from yesterday really had me looking at my gaming roots with question #(whatever the question was) and I thought long and hard about my Vic-20 and C-64. I googled M.U.L.E (one of the best games I recalled from those days) and…
21 Gaming Questions
Questions are fun! Especially about gaming. I found this through the tech-support friendly Welsh Troll who links the original author and other bloggers there as well. Off to the races! When did you start playing video games? I started playing video games right when the Commodore 64 came out. I had a family member who…
YAR! is a nostalgic MMO word for me. YAR! Was the rallying cry of my EQ test server guild, The Grove. Anytime anyone logged in there was a /gu of YAR! And usually the same number of responses per number of guildies on. I carried YAR! to DAOC and again to WoW in the guilds I…
Start With Why
I try to read a book a month. These books are mostly non-fiction and are business or personal growth related. I love thinking in general (its a gift, I tell you) and as such picking up books and reading and learning feels like I am developing both personally and professionally. Someone once told me that…
Ask and Ye Shall Receive (the 1%)
Below is an excerpt from a  post by Carbine Studios’ Jeremy Gaffney on why the 1% is important. Here’s some quick philosophy on the subject (still in the office at 6pm Sunday so I’ll have to be brief): We do believe in catering to the 1% (actually a few different 1%’s). We spend more than 1%…
Diffusions in MMO Gaming
I just read an amazing book and while I am saving that for another entire post one part stuck out to me. That part was in regards to the explanation behind how, and what rate, new technologies spread throughout societies. That explanation is called the “Diffusion of Innovations” and was written back in 1962. It was…