You need treatment. You can wait two hours for a doctor to see you, or move to a low population hospital for free, where you were certainly see a doctor and get treated much faster on a more regular basis. The free ambulance ride to the other hospital takes 24 hours. If you pay us $25…
Blizzard to get Bailout Package!
Sorry, working on my Fox News type headlines. With all the fun stuff going on in the markets, it’s nice to see the US banks getting a 700 Billion bailout package while continuing to freeze credit lines and stop lending credit altogether. It’s a good thing these guys didn’t help create their own situation with…
Ebert @ the MMO
I finished Fallout 3 – very quickly. I probably spent 10 hours on side quests, and 5 on the main quest line – and it was over. I finished at level 12 (I hear there are 20 levels, but I didn’t figure that out). The end was a bit of a dissappointment, but at least I have…
Random Post
Haven’t been updating as much this week as I have been doing crazy other stuff. Playing games. I have been moonlighting in Fallout 3, the L4D demo was released for preorder customers yesterday, and I have still been trying to re-find a comfort level with WoW. Some general thoughts about the three in this random…
My 3rd day of 10 Free in WoW
I had originally only planned to kill 10.
Calling on Copernicus
I made a bold prediction to a friend at the end of the Warhammer Beta that by the end of the first year they would have 1,000,000 subscriptions. I still have a level of confidence in that if they make some moves and continue to improve the game. Notice I said ‘a level’. Now that…
Familiarity Breeds Contempt
I am enjoying WAR. It hasn’t quite turned out the way I had supposed originally (or even beta tested) but it has enough good to stick around for a while to see how it all turns out. This little piece is going to comment on where I think WAR went wrong, but not in any…
Apple Screwup?
  People love their Macs. Obviously I love my PC. I do have one Apple product I absolutely adore, and that is my iPhone. I used to have a Blackberry but find the full web functionality just superb in comparison. I drive a lot for work (for example, yesterday I drove 3 hours to have…
Scroll of Blasphemous Conundrum
Damn you, YOU, who sent me the Blizzard scroll of Resurrection. Did you do it because you missed me? Did you do it to get phat xp rewards? (they still giving those out?) because I am a cynical blogger now, surely, it must be to taunt me. Taunt me after reading my last near brush…
Knee Slapper (Updated!)
Going to write a BIG fat disclaimer here as it involves the current American Presidential campaign. I have American friends who are the staunchiest Rebpublicans and diehard Democrats alike – and I have been a part of how any sort of political discussion can anger one or both camps. Bless you for your beliefs, and…
How WoW Can Milk My Cow
By “cow”, I mean “wallet”. I know, I know, it was very obvious to you all from the get go but I have at least 2.2 readers that wouldn’t have understood it so clarification was necessary. I have rambled a lot about WoW lately and what I dislike about it and how I don’t want…
PC – The Subscription Platform
There is an urban legend in the restaurant industry that often quotes a study with the following conclusion: “Over 90% of Employees surveyed said they would steal if they were guaranteed they wouldn’t get caught” I don’t know of the study, and can’t google-find it, and if you know if it is true or a…
Embed Video Test
Just a big tester-ola. Move along. Nothing to see here.
WoW Needs More Revenue Streams
I haven’t written much on WoW here because I don’t play the game anymore. I recently patched it again after chatting with a WoW friend on ghat, who helps me out with this site, and another who is hiding anonymously in gchat from an internet stalker (true story. Yay interwebs.) I broke up with WoW…
This Just In! (actually already old news)
Yay? Something else to get overly excited about and (hopefully) not dissappointed in the end. Can’t wait to see what they do with it. I was a bit skeptical with Bioware at first, as a first time MMO developer, until I read the below in their FAQ “Another member of the Community is harassing me…
I Has Comics (Fully Updated with 4th)
I always wanted to do an internet comic. Only two things held me back. Artistic Talent Sense of Humour I know, those sound big, but really, this is the internet where anybody can almost fake anything. I was waiting for a WAR model viewer to be done similiar to the WoW one to cover the…
Take My Money.. PLEASE.
I am in the market for a new gaming laptop. I travel for work, not crazy amounts (about 7 days per month) and after I have tucked in my three year old over the phone and assured my wife I love her, I sit in a hotel room twiddling thumbs. A lot of the time…
Is it the new balance? For years I have had a love/hate relationship with MMO’s. I don’t have them with ANY other type of game. Just online persistent ones. On one-off games you read the review, buy, it stays the same (for the most part) you play it until it is over, and shelve it….
I am away from home for work which means no gaming for me (need laptop upgrade, stat) and as such am going to touch upon everyone’s favorite topic. Politics. Even more exciting, CANADIAN politics. Canada had it’s federal election and had an interesting outcome – the same as the last federal government – a minority government….
Blogroll Updated!
I knows. Exciting! Basically anyone who commented here and had a blog link was added, as well as a few favorite sites I enjoy reading. If you would like to add your blog just let me know.
I Am Losing My Head.
Part of it, literally. At first I thought that was my dwarf’s brain. Turn out it is a mouth. I guess if it was a brain it would be much smaller. The point of this picture is – this is what I am staring at while gaming right now. I busted my little dwarven butt…
Happy Thanksgiving
Didn’t write much over the weekend, we Canucks have our thanksgiving early. Spent the time with friends and family, and had a great time. I have a ton of things to “complain” about with gaming and MMO’s but heck, it’s a holiday here so instead figured I would send thanks out to my online friends,…
A New Approach
After I gave my enthusiastic response to the gold spammer I didn’t receive another spam from any gold company the rest of the night. Coincidence?
The 6 Wheeled Car
There is a six wheeled car – it is a sedan, four door. What if I told you it gets better gas mileage, is much safer to drive, hell, it’s even cheaper than a boring old regular 4 wheeled car. Would you buy it? Probably not. Nobody wants to be the first, and 4 wheels have done…
HELP ME, HELP uh ME? (Update #1/#2)
It seems my blog pages ‘formatting’ is taking on a life of it’s own. I am not sure where/how I borked it, but it seems to be a streaming and stemming problem that is getting worse. Anyone out there suggest a good, clean theme (that I can’t possibly break?) Update: Going to be messing around with…