Due to the aforementioned level block I too decided to enjoy the good part of WAR by leveling an alt through T1 and T2. My Ironbreaker (quite possibly the worst kept secret on order – holy cow durability batman!) just started in T2, my second time around the circuit. The first time it was with preorder people and the scenarios were less painful than this time around.
I already covered the most basic strategies here, here, and yes, here. Conclusion? People still need to do more research.
T2 scenarios are dead quiet, . Even for PUGS. Shameful, really, as the most basic of strategy and communication can make a big difference. TIP: Yes, BW, you can get a lot of Renown and XP fighting midfield and racking up big damage numbers all scenario. Guess what, you get double the bonus Renown and XP for winning. I know, I know, you want the big numbers to take a screenshot and post it at WHA to show how cool you are, but if you really want to min/max your time investment, AND grow that Epeen, here are the real winners in WAR scenarios. Last 5 rounds I snuck in today, I felt like I was playing a single player game. I longed for attack/defend squad leader commands from BF2142 because I think chat is completely broken. Luckily, in ONE scenario, someone actually replied and tried to rally the troops on objective based, winning strategies to make the scenario even more fun. Yes scenarios are fun. Winning and having the same amount of fun is more fun. Try it sometime, you just might like being a winner. I know a lot of you (us) are not used to being called that.
Quick Scenario specific points:
Mourkain Temple: You don’t need the ball to win, true. You do need the ball to control WHERE the fight happens. When you don’t have the artifact, you fight beside your enemy’s spawn, meaning you will lose the war of attrition. When you have the artifact you fight by your own spawn meaning you win that war. At bare, bare minimum, fight in the middle so you aren’t forcing your team a 30 second runback on death (awarding your enemy the 5 second runback at the same time).
Stonetroll Crossing: You absoultely need to cap objectives to win. If you aren’t, the other team absolutely is, because they are smarter than you. If you stop to fight someone midfield allowing the pacifier-holder to run away you are an idiot are objective disadvantaged. You don’t have to kill the holder to reset the pacifier, just keep interrupting him from clicking – for one minute. Total. That includes travel time. If you can interrupt the holder for one minute you have effectively “won” the encounter – now get the pacifier first and cap something already.
Phoenix Gate: If an enemy is near your flag, damage them. They cannot pick up the flag if you do. Who cares if is almost dead. If you let them pick up your flag, you put your team at a disadvantage. Don’t let them. Hell, autoattack for all I care.
Quick Global points:
Communicate: If you have a flag/artifact/pacifier, tell your team where you are heading to so they can defend you.
Communicate: Outline a basic strategy before the start of the round. Even if only 3 people out of 12 listen, you still have a 40% higher chance of winning (official statistics, I promise you.)
Communicate: A lot of people have no clue what they are doing (obviously) and giving a quick rundown may actually teach them something and make them a better realm mate. They will thank you after for it so THEY don’t feel dumb for not knowing.
Communicate: Again, for those of you who missed it, it is /sc <text>
Quick Google search responses (I actually had google point a lot of people my way about the scenarios):
1) To cap a flag in Phoenix Gate, you do not run it over your own flag. Up the steps, behind your flag, is a big urn thing. Click on it while you have the flag.
2) The objective in Stonetroll Crossing is to get the pacifier, then click all three objectives near three groups of trolls (NW, NE, and S). You have 1 minute each time you activate one or they all reset. You DO get points for just clicking one, or two, of the three. If you get all three you get a LOT of points. The match will typically end if one side gets all 3 pacified 3 times.
3) The Mourkain Artifact gives bonus points if you actually kill stuff while holding it, yes. It also does an increasing DOT to the holder the longer they hold it. That means yes, you do have to heal them even when enemies aren’t around them.
4) Destruction does win Phoenix Gate. Read the Quick points above
5) No, I will not fear you.
The scenarios are so basic, and at their core level, very much fun. I am not a scenario expert but I do know that when people listen, and follow/execute the basic strategies I have listed both here and in previous posts – we win. In MMO’s my fun is based off of other players contributions and vice versa – that is why I always try to perform my class-specified role when I play scenarios so other people can have more fun too.
Quick last point:
If you see any player in a group all by themselves, when there is room in other groups, do not heal or help out that person – at all. They are taking away your RP’s and EXP for their own gain, a known exploit. Let them die a boring horrible death, and remember that person’s name and spread it throughout the land as a jerkoff. Anytime you put yourself ahead of everyone else participating in the same objective, I am sorry, but you are simply that. Note of caution: sometimes a person is left in their own group because of reserved spots and/or you actually get 13 people in a scenario instead of 12. Don’t blacklist or berate them for that. If there is a spot open in group, kindly let them know. If they refuse, refuse to acknowledge their existance in the scenario and let everyone in your server know they are a bastard leech.