At the midpoint of Blaugust I am taking a breather. It’s been a flurry for 16 days but a LOT of fun – I find the daily posting isn’t too tough even though I had a couple travel days for work AND a couple travel days with family last week. It has been fun because…
Author: Isey
Confusing Sales
I understand the mindset behind the Steam sales – a lot of times they are games that have been out for months – if not years, so getting $1.99 for a $19.99 game past it’s prime has some sense behind it – because normally, you would just get zero. Regardless of what customers you piss…
Rally Caps
Murf and I chatted about baseball not too long ago, and I was recently treated to a 19 inning, walk off win marathon from my home team Toronto Blue Jays, against our dreaded rivals, the Detroit Tigers. It had a lot. A lot of intentional walks (the Jays lineup is down 3 starters so once you…
Au Revoir WildStar!
Zero surprise to anyone that reads hear semi-regularly that I was headed down this path. WildStar has some potential and the business model is pushing me away further than the game itself. IF it was buy to play +expansions or free-to-play I’d be exploring Nexus. It’s neither and I don’t feel right paying for a…
5avourite 5ives
On the heals of 10 questions on WoW, I admit that my favourite pastime in WoW is 5 – man dungeons. It used to be raiding, but I don’t have the luxury of that kind of time anymore. That post got me thinking about which 5 mans in particular stuck out for me – so…
Be Verwy Qwiet – We Hunting Zombiesh-Type-Creatures!
I picked up Dead Space a while ago (for free, thank you EA) and have been picking away at it. Throughout the first hour of Dead Space I realized something. I haven’t said a single word. Actually, my character hasn’t even made a sound. I don’t even think he grunts or groans. That’s odd. I can assure you, that…
10 Answers About WoW
Like many bitter exes (that keep going back) I have done my fair share of beating up WoW on this blog although it always came from a place of “tough love”. I learned of 10 Years – 10 Questions through Tales of the Argonaut (hat tip!) but the direct questions are asked over here at Alternative….
Gender Stereotyping My Dogs
Blaugust has been fun and I am surprised I made it this long. I already have made more posts in August than all of July. I find myself writing a bit quicker, and leaving it all on the page. My old style was write most of it, leave it, revisit, edit edit edit… now It’s…
Tech Support
Brief programming note: this doesn’t count as my Blaugust post (obviously) but I am having a tech problem. Pingbacks stopped working. My last pingback was May 21, 2o13 (when sorting through comments on the menu). I don’t recall what (if anything) I changed then. I did notice that a few people HAVE tried to ping…
WildStar’s Slow and Undramatic Decline
This is not a “the sky is falling” Chicken Little recount of what I see going on in WildStar- this is a general feeling and mood about the game. Read a lot  blogs, forums, and even fan sites and there is an underlying thought that subs are bleeding and the bugs and hardcore nature of the…
SKYNET – Turing AI
I was reading an article over at TAGN (which I do often – and I’ve linked to him quite a bit recently so not linking that post directly today – may be accused of over-linking!!) The article is his play through of Civ 5 with friends online and what happens to their strategies when anyone…
Furious Howl 4 and Bite 8
This post was inspired by the Keen Gamer’s post – it’s a great read, go enjoy! This post is about one of my favorite accomplishments in my MMO gaming – and his post reminded me of that. It’s a not a world first, not a particularly heroic moment (finishing off A’lar while the rest of…
Children of the WoW
My son is visiting Grandma – it’s a 10 day trip in the summer. Grandma and Grandpa have a farm and he gets to do all sorts of things that he doesn’t get to here at home. They also have a lot of acreage and I learned last year he was able to drive a Gator…
EA Innovating?
I have a Love/Hate relationship with Electronic Arts. When I was a young gamer on my $3500 386 SX-16 (price is a date reference. I worked all summer to afford it..) getting a box with the EA logo was getting a good game. It was synonymous for me. They really did have some blockbusters. Perennial…
What About Jack?
The fun of Blaugust (even in this early stage) is that I am planning ahead on posts knowing I am trying to do one a day. So at the end of my day I am thinking about what I read, watched, and/or experienced and thinking what fits in a post? And although this has always…
Vanguard – Feelings of Missing Something
The Ancient Gaming Noob has an amazing write up  and that for many, Vanguard wasn’t much but a failed blip on the radar. For others, it was a dream, a vision, a job (that may or may not have ended in a parking lot), a failed save by SOE. It is part, all, and none of those…
Thank you, and damn you, Aggronaut. At the same time, challenge accepted! [WildStar voice, cupcake. And yes, all WildStar players are groaning now..] Blaugust is a blogging challenge to post every single day. Every. Single Day. Personally, I am a once a week kind of blogger, sometimes slide in an extra post or two. This…
Celebration of Life – All Things Come to an End
I still click and visit River’s site over at even though he has passed. Sometimes it’s just out of habit and other times its to see if anyone else has stopped by to say something nice, or share a story. Of course, the site has gone quiet and I was saddened to see this….
Gods Will Be Watching – Take Two
I wrote in May 2013 about Gods Will be Watching – a Ludum Dare 26 creation. It was an awesome, single screen game. I am excited to see they now have a website and a multi scenario game. Looking forward to buying and playing this one. I like it when things come full circle. From…
Yes, Still Playing WildStar…
.. and my highest character is only level 18. This is where the sub fee can be frustrating -Â especially in a game branding itself as “hardcore” and not alt-character friendly. It is a long journey in WildStar and my limited playtime and wanting to understand WHERE to invest my time has lead me to a…
Dragon Age : The Birdcage
Sorry, that was the most sensationalist title I could muster. News this week, on the heels of Canada’s Pride Week in Toronto, is that Dragon Age: Inquisition will have the first openly gay party member for the series – Dorian. The events aren’t even close to being linked, just a happenstance coincidence (no doubt.) I’m…
MMO Loyalty
Loyalty (in MMO gaming terms) comes in several forms from consumer to the game. Here are three gamer type examples – there is a lot of in between, and parts of each, but for the most part most gaming is done in and around the three below examples. I am giving them names so we can…
The Sub Fee is the Bane of my MMO Gaming
I paid a lot of sub fee dollars to EQ, DAOC, and WoW, so please, don’t get all uppity. I have spoken about this a lot. I am currently paying WildStar a sub fee. I have been travelling for work, and very busy with home and family. I get it – that makes it “my…
River – High Latency Life
I am shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden passing of one of our community members – Chris “River” Cavelle. Rivs authored High Latency Life and I personally thoroughly enjoyed interacting with him. I read him weekly and participated on his blog (and he here sometimes too.) He had an engaging style of blogging…
Another Missed Opportunity
I woke up with an email from Arenanet this morning. I was legitimately intrigued. GW2 is a game I bought, and I played up until level 40 – and burnt out because the solo leveling grind just wasn’t fun for me. I loved the aesthetics, and most of the combat (the weapon swap LAS wasn’t…