With NCSoft quarterly and full year earnings reports out the news is really, really glum for fans of WildStar. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I posted a lot about WildStar. It has decent chops. There just isn’t value in it for me as a subscription platform (or many, so it seems). What…
Author: Isey
Darkest Dungeon EP6 – We Kill a Boss
Onward and upward! Riding high, I figure it is time for our team to take on some real challenges. Boss missions! Except they are gated to keep it a challenge. I can’t use my level three adventurers for an easy kill (see above, even I am denying myself!). Looks as though I have to use…
Darkest Dungeon EP5 – We Hit a Stride
Something crazy happened after Murf’s death. We hit a huge string of good luck and prosperity. Now, I am not saying that he was sacrificed, or anything absurd like that, but the crew did use it as a rallying cry. Episode 5 largely has our group prospering, collecting treasures, and looking and acting like a…
Darkest Dungeon EP4 : Murf Tells the Future
You shouldn’t have said anything Murf! Very obvious foreshadowing there. I knew this was going to be a tough run for the team with so many out of commission – but we need to push forward. There are glorious treasures awaiting! I just realized I never did show the main screen entrance to the game…
Pay Beta/Alpha
I often review old posts – it is a fun way to see what I was jabbering about back over half a decade (sounds so much longer when put that way). I was reviewing some old posts when I randomly came across this one: Introduce a New Phase in the Development Cycle The premise of the…
Darkest Dungeon EP3 : The Group Fights (With Each Other)
[Reminder: clicking on the picture opens a new tab with an expanded view. The pictures are set to scale with the browser and I noticed on mine the text is a little small to read] Columbo style: we had a very successful third run through the Ruins. Syncaine, GrumpyElf, Myself, and Leo. I chose another…
Darkest Dungeon : Blogroll Edition, Part Deux
Here is to hoping a lot more bloodshed joy and craziness treasures for our merry band of adventurers. Let’s see how BlogNation’s second foray into the Ruins turned out! [note: clicking on the graphics will open them larger in a new browser tab, they scale automatically in the body by webpage and I’ve noticed they can be…
Darkest Dungeon – Blogroll Edition
So, buying early access to the Darkest Dungeon was due to a fun review by Aywren over at Clean Casuals. Many that I respect, such as Leo over at Leo’s Life make a very fair argument that there is danger in buying in early and while I am wary the honest truth is a lot of the fun…
Sony Sells Everquest
I didn’t see this story making the rounds in BlogNation and probably due to the Massively and WoW Insider closing news – which I do want to address briefly. While said so much better by so many in our space, the loss of those reporting sources will be missed. I checked both frequently weekly. WoW…
The Last of Us
In this post I continue my series of playing games after they are no longer hot, or the “in thing” for the first time – long after all of you have played it. I enjoy being fashionably late! Besides, this gives you the opportunity to relive your own experiences through my eyes. I am also…
Quote of the Day
Ironically, from a “Quote of the Day” article. I laughed out loud when I read this over at TAGN, from Wilhelm (the author) himself in the comments section. EVE isn’t even, objectively speaking, a very good game to play. To expand on that of course, you have to add in the rest: But the teamwork…
EA Earning Their Reputation
Shocker to many of you, I know. For me historically I have been an EA supporter. I remember back in the 80s if your game had the EA logo pop up during loading screens you were in for a treat – a good game Even publically on this blog I had defended EA due to…
#Project Zomboid Winners!
Congratulations to Izlain, Asmiroth, and Joseph Skyrim for winning the indie title. Please send me an email (chris@ihaspc.com) and I’ll send along your steam keys. Plenty of time to die in the Zombie Apocalypse for the weekend! On that note, I have my longest running survivor going a full week so far of life. I…
Project Zomboid
I am a gamer of discovery. In the past I would read a lot of things about games that were new to me – best first steps, tips and tricks, things to avoid (etc.) but as of late I have taken a less proactive approach and have just dove into games. Games should, by nature…
Freaky Friday!
In the movie “Freaky Friday” a mom and daughter switch bodies – effectively experiencing each other’s lives directly. This time warp is a neat backdrop for a story and a movie, and I am introducing a theme post here to reflect that. Freaky Friday is when I am going to revisit an old post I have…
Stay in the Hinterlands!
Google DA:I and read the reviews and a lot of them look like this link. Everyone is recommending to get out of the Hinterlands fast. The game gets way better afterwards. Some even suggest you are doing it wrong if you don’t, and should just stay there for the whole game and be a farmer….
When I was in grade 8 my teacher brought in local professions to talk to our class. It was kind of like “bring a parent” day but just not anyone’s parents. One time he brought in a local artist and the artist brought in pieces of his completed work but also works in progress. Part…
My wife went away for the weekend, meaning a couple great things. I get a lot of one on one time with the kid I get a lot of video game time. I mean, I will miss her dearly, but sometimes you just have to fight through the loneliness. (sound convincing enough? *grin*) Truth is…
Glory Dos Days
Aywren beat me to posting this but I had bookmarked the site a couple of days ago: there are 2300+ Classic MS-Dos games waiting for you to play in full emulated in web browser glory. Some defining gaming moments are available, I have been having a lot of fun just browsing the titles available (that…
Mobile Games – Pay or Nay?
I have only written about Mobile games here once on the site, and that very recently. Odd for me to think especially considering I am always loading up a few titles to mess around with. Before I get into the ones I am playing now that is actually online gambling I have to say thanks…
Technology Creep
When gamers talk about “creep” they are often discussing things such as “Power Creep”. I don’t want the title of this short piece to be confused with that. I am talking about pure creep-y, which is a much different kind. I consider myself very tech friendly and tend to early adopt and welcome technology into…
2015 Digital Goals
I dislike resolutions because in the wrong mindset they can feel like impossible obstacles to overcome. There are a lot of standing jokes/memes out there surrounding impending resolution failures. Nonetheless it is good to set goals as long as they are realistic. So here are mine. 1) Post 3x a week on average. I loved…
This post was originally started about 10 months ago – I found it deep in my “drafts” list (it is actually the oldest draft I have left). I sometimes resurrect these posts under my “Draft Necro” series because hey, not all posts deserve to rot away in draft folder hell. I typically preamble them in…
Holidays! (Also a test)
I can’t access my site since the WordPress update but am attempting to post via my mobile device. Happy Holidays to everyone! A special thank you to people who read and participate here. I love being a part of Blognation. I’ll be up and running soon, I haven’t wanted to bother tech support (my friend…
The Year That Was 2014
I normally don’t do these posts, but it was a very good year and I feel like sharing. I am going away to Europe for Christmas for two weeks and as I tie up my professional and family life here in Canada before next week there probably won’t be a lot of blogging or gaming…