I have never been one for screenshots. I really wish I was great at that back in the days when everything was new and exciting in online gaming but those days are long gone. What I have noticed in my Legion play through that I find myself with several OOOOH and AAAAAH moments and find myself cracking on the screenshot key farm more than normal. I never quite realized how pretty the World of Warcraft really is.
Here are a small sample of some of my recent adventures:
OK – I never promised that I was actually good at TAKING screenshots and I definitely don’t take many – but hopefully this is a small reminder of how beautiful Azeroth really is. Do you have a favourite SS?
Amazing… this game is still looking very good! 😀
I like the Nordic stuff, so Stormheim to me looks great, especially when you get to hell. I’ve taken my fair share as well, as there’s a lot of thought into some of the locales. Except Azsuna, blargh. It’s like a blue version of Azshara.
That said, are you playing on a 13″ monitor, or is it just the text that’s in a large font?
I do all my gaming on a Razor Blade so yeah, it’s pretty small. It’s also 3200 x (forget) but sometimes I hook it up to a bigger monitor, which is less, and confuses it. And when I play in windowed mode all sorts of crazy things happen to my text sizes. ELVUI also defaults small. There are all of my excuses! =P