WoW, that escalated quickly (see what I did there?) Legion has sucked me back in. I am loving it. For all my past and present complaints about WoW it does one thing great – provides entertainment. Sure, it’s not really a world, and yes, it’s so dumb that every single person you see is the…
Author: Isey
Make Me the Hero. Or Don’t.
Being a Hero I am a happy, artifact weapon wielding druid. They look amazing. I feel amazing. The quest was decent to get them. I am on my way in Legion. … and all of that is ruined by the crowd of other druids in my class hall that look exactly the same. I know…
Legion Invasion Wrapup
For me, anyway. This weekend I am with friends and sailing, and Monday / Tuesday at a course, so I finished up my Legion Invasion to-do list: which was getting one more character to cap and geared out. My Paladin. I didn’t get quite as many chests because I was far more active in the…
Opening Presents in WoW
Couchon, my “main”, finally made it to level 100 after prancing around in both participatory and non participatory ways of Legion invasions. At the end of it all, there were many gifts to open!During my time in invasions I had the following: Large Legion Chests x 41 Small Legion Chests x 34 I have no…
Working On/During Invasions
I’m glad I have a flexible IT department. Or lack of internet traffic monitoring. Either / or, I can finally level while doing spreadsheets, with two to five minutes of effort every 30 minutes. Participatory XP is incredible right now during WoW invasion events – you get awesome XP. Thing is, you have to pay…
Back In WoW
I’m back in. I have often lamented that I will never truly be done with WoW until my main character Couchon (where some of my best gaming experiences have happened) had a proper end to his story. As a druid, fittingly, that would be in the emerald dream. The armchair developers keep sharing rumors and…
Real Hot Mess
I’m struggling finding fun in gaming right now. It is definitely not for a lack of trying, I have been buying games like crazy and giving them a good chance to hook me. I even made blog posts about it, to try and drum up some momentum to get into a game or two and…
Telling Stories – Rimworld
I have always wanted to play Dwarf Fortress. I have downloaded it several times. It’s hard, and I haven’t found the patience to truly learn it or get into it. Dwarf Fortress is very much a game like EVE to me – great to read about, not fun to play. Â While it is a similar…
Portal Knights Inspiration
I know, I should stop. Landmark is what Landmark is, and no amount of wishing for private servers with complete autonomy (paid for, of course) and entire worlds that can be changed, explored, and molded will change that. Oh the adventures to be had. The game is what the game is and I should just accept…
The Sounds of Silence
With Pokemon GO! ruling the airwaves, I haven’t seen much commentating on the news that Blizzard will be putting in a silence penalty to improve the community. Straight from The first time a player is silenced, their chat will be restricted for 24 hours. This duration will double for each silence penalty received after the first,…
Missing the (Land) Mark
Like my dear Landmarkian friend ( Landmarker? Other guy who plays?) Bhagpuss, I went back to Landmark now that it is a “real” game, completed and everything. Â For a quick recap on how I felt about Landmark: it was an awesome time killer. I was an early tester of Minecraft and Landmark could be the…
New Rig
Pulled off an amazing “need case” at work for this sweet, sweet mobile gaming (and computing) powerhouse: Delicious and Nutritious? So far it has been wonderful, except for the fact that  the case is warped. In certain situations it moves corner to corner when typing and that is incredibly annoying. Gaming wise it has performed…
Privileged White Men
Click bait worked? I was reading Izlain over at his blog about Gender Swapping Heroes and started writing a long comment. It got to the point where I figured I should make a post instead.  When I cross the 200 word threshold in a comment I tend to do that. The basis of his discussion there…
Things I Don’t Like About the Division
Should I tell you how I really feel? Even though that is a far less eloquent title than normal there is a lot I think I should like about The Division –  but a few key items are holding back that full endorsement. I do find it odd that people compare it to Destiny as it…
Spring Cleaning – Old Post Drafts #2
Continuing my Spring Cleaning project – here is my second post as I go through my drafts folder and decide to keep (and finish) old post thoughts or delete them away. The first post in this series is here. “I Don’t Use Steam Much Anymore” (8/7/2014) Steam is that ultra convenient platform that I have…
Destiny 2 Wishlist
With my new PC on delivery delay (went from April 25th to May 18th)Â and still stuck in a trickling advancement with Destiny -Â I did get my Division code from Razor and installed it on my old Laptop. I really feel like that game might be best played on the PS4. 60″ TV and all….
March of the – F@*& S^$T!
This was supposed to be a post about advanced tips and tricks to help you with March of the Living, because I was supposed to have beat it about five minutes ago instead of having everyone die on what I am pretty sure was the last encounter in the entire game after banging my head…
Dead End with Destiny
Well, the love affair with Destiny has come to a standstill along with my character progression. That is a 100% correlation. My Titan is “stuck” at 312 light level. This stuck mode is my conundrum because I can’t do the next level of challenges until I hit 320 light level, and I don’t believe I…
March of the Living
I consider myself well equipped to handle a zombie apocalypse – both mentally and physically. I have spent years preparing myself for the inevitability by reading great history books such as World War Z, playing long hours of zombie related shooters (Left 4 Dead one AND two!), keep to a good fitness routine, and have…
Spring Cleaning: Old Post Drafts (Part 1)
All bloggers have a bunch of post drafts started that either get revisited and completed or sit in post purgatory, waiting to be further inspired or expanded. I hate letting those linger. I have a slew of them in my folder and for funzies decided to go through them and either finish them off or delete…
Spam Posts as a Measure of Popularity
All of my spam posts caught in my Askimet filter are about two games right now, split pretty much right down the middle. Blade and Soul and Runescape. Most of them are  about selling gold in those two games. What does this mean? Is there really that big of a market for gold in either that…
WoW Prognosticating
I don’t have a bear / cat / owl in the race anymore, but watching WoW from afar I see some interesting changes coming down the pipeline. I am taking a pretty wild shot in the dark to think about the future of the game but it just came to me like a shining beacon of…
Did Apple Play that Wrong?
First off, to be clear (and it will be anyway) I am not an Apple fan-boy. I do have some of their products but for the most part I prefer the Android operating system for my phone. I like having the freedom of choice on what goes on there and what I can interact with….
Revisiting Destiny
I had a huge itch to play a shooter this weekend. I miss the genre. I remember playing DOOM death matches over baud modems in my university dorm in the 90’s. I mostly fell out of the genre because of the direction it took. I loved Rainbow Six and the types of shooters that smarts…
(Un)happy Endings
I finished Pillars of Eternity and had an enjoyable time. My Steam time played shows ridiculous hours because I left the game on days at a time as I popped in and out. The game lent itself well to short play sessions (well, planned that way at least) that would stretch into “I can do…