Well, the love affair with Destiny has come to a standstill along with my character progression. That is a 100% correlation.
My Titan is “stuck” at 312 light level. This stuck mode is my conundrum because I can’t do the next level of challenges until I hit 320 light level, and I don’t believe I can get there unless I play the game the way I don’t want to.
The ways (that I can sort out, there isn’t really much clarity on it in game) that I can advance my character further is as follows:
- Weekly Nightfall Strike – 320 light, no matchmaking
- Challenge of Elders – 320 light, no matchmaking
- Kings Fall Raid – 300 light, no matchmaking
- The Iron Banner – PVP
- The Court of Oyrx – PVE world event
- Lord Shaxx Bounties – PVP
Of that group I can only/want to do Court of Oryx. I did grind out a bunch of them on the weekend but wasn’t fortunate enough to get the 320 – 335 gear as advertised. I don’t enjoy (and I am terrible at) PVP so far, and with my sketchy schedule and lack of “friends” at PS4 non matchmaking events are hard for me to do.
This is all me, not Destiny, so I am not really complaining. This is where the WoW treatment would be awesome for a player like me (LFR anyone?) . My Hunter is already light level 300 and my Warlock is only level 7 so I could still play by redoing the content I have been already. Â With Destiny 2 a year away there needs to be a compelling reason for me to keep doing existing. Moving my character forward was fun enough in the existing content but when that tap dries, what else is there?
Maybe I am missing something but I would love to hear the experience of better and other Destiny players who have passed where I am stuck at to see if there is something else I could be doing to advance.
My new laptop arrives this week with The Division as a bundle, so Destiny may be losing a big fan of the game and someone playing many hours a week. I wonder if other people are in the same boat.
The realization of my full on casualness is in full acceptance. I feel shame.
I feel ya, I’m currently stuck at 308 and haven’t had the people to run the big raids, and have been limited to a few runs here and there…mainly a busy schedule on my end. I still love the game, but it’s tough as I can’t quite get past this early 300 hump to do the 320 stuff. Hope you enjoy the new laptop and find a way past that 300 wall 🙂 cheers!!
Now stuck at 313 – but played for two hours without any light level movement. I think the easy fix would be to have matchmaking for some of the harder content, especially now that many people have outlevelled it.
Still, I got great legs out of this game, so a minor gripe. I am just not quite ready to give up on it but a few more nights of no progression will do me in.
Thanks for visiting – added you to my blogroll =)
Yeah i rolled over to 310 last night, and unfortunately was only able to scrounge up 1 other person to run with…. so again no raiding yet 😛 one day…. I hope. Thanks for the blog roll and the visit! Will get you added to my list as well.
I got bored too. I liked playing PvP passively, but any time it came to needing to do something for the progression I hated the game so much.
I am still such a PC FPS player at heart I just can’t master the control scheme to feel comfortable in PVP. It makes me nervous. Probably a chicken or egg problem with that consideration =)
I am a hybrid. I was a boss in Halo back in my day.