Perhaps you may have noticed something different with this entry. Perhaps not, at least until you hit the end of a line. Much like full justification is gone noticeably so is my PC – I am writing this on my iPhone.
Waiting for a meeting to begin surfing apps I came accross the WordPress addin for my phone. Free download, why not, give it a whirl. So far I can tell you it is okay.
I am a purebread visual editor type. They invented WYSIWYG for me exclusively (I am not ashamed to admit) so thankfully you won’t have to stomach through any not-so-funny-or-interesting links throughout this post. I reviewed an existing post and the syntax required to embed a link over text isn’t my cup of tea – heck it looks so uncomfortable to type I would rather clip Joe’s toenails.
While I consider myself tech savvy I am yet a newer breed – TSL (tech savvy lazy). I get the odd gadget, put my own computer together and help my less fortunate friends with their porn injected spyware problems. I didn’t get an iPhone to be hip, or different, or bleeding edge I bought it to replace my Blackberry. About two years ago my BB and I parted ways in a most horrific fashion. I quit a job that had required travelling, and one day while walking down the street texting that same resignation note the BB slipped from my hands, hit the ground, and mysteriously ended up under my foot. Hey, things happen.
Now that I am travelling again I figured that instead if constantly telling people I would email them the next day (or worse) I bought an email capable phone. Figured I would try to be hip while doing so. [b]I have no idea if this will bold or not upon publish. Move along, nothing to see here.[/b]
I do prefer my iPhone over my BB but I definitely don’t like blogging on it. I am going to leave this post unmolested with it’s spelling, grammar, formatting (and content) vanillaness as a reminder to me on my otherwise clean site that mobile blogging is for professionals, and you (me) should not try this at home.
Or at least until a true WYSIWYG editor is available.