Total lie. FAKE NEWS!
I was just commenting on the Magic: The Gathering forums that I am completely happy and satisfied with the pace of gold and pack accumulation as a free to play player. I felt it was important to balance out the view of what seems to be a vocal lot that if you can’t get everything for free, immediately, and that will somehow make it lose out against competitors such as Hearthstone(!) because of the “ease of acquisition of cards in that game”.
I’m not drunk. I quit Hearthstone because they release must-buy expansions quickly to enjoy the game. This is more proof that developers SHOULD NEVER EVER LISTEN TO THEIR PLAYER BASE. EVER. Well, not when it comes to monetization, anyway. Let them vote with their wallet. This post feels silly to write because I am in a silly mood. I haven’t posted much lately because I’m not playing much. And what I am playing is either so old news (the new player experience in LOTRO is not a hot topic these days), so old (Walking Dead: a new frontier was released in 2016. Wasteland 2 was 2014) that I feel it pointless to write uh, pointless articles. (Shush you who say that’s why the come here in the first place!)

The game I am most consistent with is Magic The Gathering Arena. I play four wins a day. By doing this I already have over 10,000 gold and oodles of wild cards – but I have no desire to build any new decks or try anything new. I am very happy with my deck. So I play the game to have fun, and while doing so am racking up in game currency that I have nothing to spend on. To be fair it really isn’t much of a surprise to me that the mother of all card games (is it the mother? Who would the father be? Pokeman? Should I be using gender neutral identifiers in that situation?) is the most fun of the card games I have played. There is so much to see and do.
Further compounding the “how does this game make money” conundrum is that I already have collected half of the entire card collection – just by playing and collecting free packs. To be fair, up until a few days ago I would buy packs every 1000 gold but now I am hording it. In anticipation of Horde vs. Alliance. I might actually play Horde this time since I am getting good practice at it. (To be fair, every new expansion I say I am going to play Horde this time..).
In the Ebbs and Flows of blogging I am definitely in an ebb mood – and I know that is pretty common for many bloggers while the pros blog away with great writing, interesting insights, and groundbreaking news. Will see what the summer brings in terms of content and gaming. I’m in airport about to fly to Europe, putting a pool in this summer, and already have two weeks planned away. I’ll try to squeeze in a blog post here and there between my four matches per day.
I’d be interested to read your thoughts on the LotRO new player experience.
I did start that a while ago and couldn’t get much into it, and just started mucking around again. The pull of the mid-grind of EQ2 is still there and as often when gaming becomes drab for me I gravitate to EQ1 for comfort gaming. I’m over in Europe right now so not doing any gaming (or writing) at all, but still reading blogs in down time =)
There are at least 110,000 patient gamers out there playing games that are by no means current. Blog away about anything you want!
(I must also admit to owning Wasteland 2 from one bundle or another who-knows-when and not having found the time to play it yet.)
Couldnt get into W2, and already see advertisements for W3… I also got W1 bundled with W2 but hard to go backwards. Heck, I didn’t even finish Baldur’s Gate Enhanced (I did the first version, but not the expansions..) and NWN Enhanced is out.. and POE 2, and all sorts of things I kind of want to play but don’t really want to play. It’s the summer “Meh” gaming season!
The only reader you need to please is yourself. (that sounded better in my head).
Summer months are always a dry season for gaming. We need all the sun we can get!