It’s funny how certain things I learn and experience in gaming remind me of old posts. Some are word for word suggestions and ideas I made in the past (such as having WoW armor switch stats on specialization switch which I suggested almost a decade ago – you are welcome) to my ire that people who…
Author: Isey
Have a Cookie : Login Rewards
First, I promised Bhagpuss I would try and get some outside shots of Warframe. There is no first person view for screenshots that I am aware of and unfortunately my WF takes up a big chunk of the screen. I am also not great at acreenshots (both remembering to take them in the first place, and…
Snake Oil : Day One DLC
Way back in 2010 I was pretty upset with EA. I am embarrassed enough to say that I have linked to that post myself five times – six, if you include this one. Each of those links was for different reasons but it remains one of my most linked posts by myself. I think it…
Confirmation Bias : Warframe, Destiny 2
Metacritic is one of those fun sites that gives a glimpse into the mood of the crowd. It also has some truth to it. Long ago I stopped trusting paid reviewers and review sites for much of the obvious – they are just a single view point of opinion without any backdrop to understand what…
Wait, There’s More : Warframe
Warframe is a game of discovery. And grinding. Thankfully the discovery part fun far outweighs any negative part of the grinding. Also, the grinding is fluid and ALSO fun so it’s in a pretty big win / win spot. My third Warframe finished building (took three days) and it is the often recommended and easy…
Where Have You Been : Warframe
As a continuation of my exploration of Warframe, the good AND the bad I made a bullet point list in my previous post. It was a pretty long list so not going to copy and paste it but use that as my step off for my “balanced and fair”, “reporting”. Ahem. First, a distracting, beautiful…
They Pull Me Back In : Destiny 2
My previous post about Destiny 2 was supposed to be my last one until the next expansion. If you love something set it free – if it comes back… blah blah blah. I had/have become too negative about a game I am no longer playing – but that frustration is born out of love! The…
Anything You Can Do : Warframe
If you haven’t played Warframe (at all or recently) here is a two minute non-commentated clip of an assassination mission I completed this morning to give you an idea of the gameplay. I am using the Frost Prime warframe (free with Twitch Prime! Even better is that it is free with a Twitch Prime *trial…
Go the Way of the Dodo : Single Player
Andromeda has been my favorite game this year. I love long, single player rpgs in expansive universes where my decisions impact the gameplay. While I understand some of the arguments against Andromeda and the ambitions it tried to live up to – as a standalone product it probably would have been better received. Either way…
No Satisfaction : Destiny 2
Media is reporting that Destiny 2 physical sales are down 50% during this period over the 2014 Destiny 1 release. While not a big surprise as consumers shift away from boxes, analysts hit Activision pretty hard. “The launch month of Destiny 2 was well short of the original iteration by a material amount,” Piper Jaffray…
When googling “games like Destiny” one game pops up frequently. I google that phrase quite a bit as I hope and fantasize about another gaming company building a game like Destiny but addressing the shortfalls and applying a bit more effort. The game that pops up frequently is Warframe. Warframe is a free to play…
Blade Runner 2049 – Commentary
Heads up, there will be some spoilers here, so I am going to insert a nice big graphic about Blade Runner that I stole from the internet, and then discuss openly. You have been warned. I don’t typically review movies – I leave that to the experts – because my general expertise and thoughts after…
Property Rights and Wrongs :
Longtime reader(s) of this blog will know that I have referenced the British based but globally inspired news magazine The Economist several times. I read it weekly. I enjoy it’s very neutral and open views on the world as a “liberal newspaper”. Quotations there because while they consider themselves liberal, I find them liberal on…
Third Party Markets – Destiny 2
In 2008 I argued that the best way to solve WoW’s third party gold selling problem was to sell gold themselves. They had lost the ability to control their own in game economy and the best way to fix that would be to crowd out the third party markets making it not worthwhile for the…
If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say : Destiny 2
Then do a sh*t sandwich! For those who are not aware of what a sh*t sandwich is, it is a criticism sandwiched between two compliments. That way the entity on the receiving end hears something positive about them, then something negative, but ends on a high note with something positive again. It’s a way to…
Lack of Trust with Loot Boxes : Part 2
I have previously discussed my lack of trust for loot box mechanics very recently. I will repeat the fact that I believe that they need a level of self-regulation before they face imposed regulation. This makes sense – consumers have a right to know the odds of what they are seeking versus what they are…
Rant On : Fornite, Rant Off: Destiny 2
Rant On The news that the Fortnite Battle Royale Mode – which currently does not have the capability for a revenue stream – is going completely free to play in 6 days is another head scratcher. Read the release here. With a line about some PVE content that may or may not be coming, at…
Destiny 2 – Not a Sequel, as Suspected.
I am not picking on Destiny 2 for the sake of it. I like the game. My disappointment rests on the fact that it has underachieved in my eyes as a true sequel and opportunity to move the game forward. This thought was further compounded by the seemingly light and lack of content in the…
Straws, Backs and Camels Part 2 : Consoles
My first post about the last straw – losing it on a company was about Electronic Arts. That was way back in 2010. My self imposed EA exile lasted all of almost a year, but I caved in when Dragon Age 2 launched. (Dragon Age is one of the best RPG games out there, ever….
With Friends Like These…. Fortnite
Fortnite is quickly becoming my new Landmark. Awesome ideas, terribly implemented, confused development group, Early Access Flop… In fact, does Daybreak own them already? To recap quickly – Fortnite is an artful blend of a building game (Minecraft / Landmark), Survival zombie game (7D2D, H1Z1, L4D2), and card collecting PVE Co-Op game. There is a…
Destiny 2 – What Could / Should Have Been
I think the Aggronaut and I are the main discussors of all things Destiny in this corner of Blognation, (Adding Dragonchasers to this short list) so I won’t continue to link to him on each post but chances are you are already reading him anyway. We are on different paths of our initial enjoyment of…
Stop Me If You Think You Have Played This One Before : Destiny 2
I have. It was called Destiny. I know it isn’t fair to judge a game solely on the first hour and a half of playtime – but it is definitely fair to comment on that time as the “first impression”. And that is, sadly, that Destiny 2 feels like a poorly done expansion to Destiny…
Best Game Trailer
I’ll just link it. I’ve never enjoyed one more.
Destiny – A Game With No Competitor
It did strike me as odd, as I played through the Destiny 2 ‘beta’ on PC last night that no other company has tried their hand at taking dollars away from Destiny. Â This is quite shocking, actually, when you think about it. Gaming studios are much like movie studios – they tend to launch the…
Lack of Trust – Loot Boxes
I commented on Bhagpuss’s latest post about how I largely agree that loot boxes are a fun mechanic. This was in the context for me that it is a method of advancement and not the sole one. The example I used in Fortnite that it is basically the *only* way you can progress meaningfully so…