Then do a sh*t sandwich! For those who are not aware of what a sh*t sandwich is, it is a criticism sandwiched between two compliments. That way the entity on the receiving end hears something positive about them, then something negative, but ends on a high note with something positive again. It’s a way to make giving (and receiving) criticism – no matter how constructive or beneficial – more pallatable for both the receiver and the giver. A lot of businesses use this technique around employee review time.
I *do* have nice things to say about Destiny 2 – chiefly among them is that I am still playing despite the corners cut, excuses made on features that should/shouldn’t be in the game, and overall development laziness with the title. It fills a niche that nothing else does (please, someone – anyone – please?) and is fun to play. This doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t challenge the status quo and push for better. Because it could be so, so much better. In an effort to be more balanced to D2 I will do that galactic gaming version of the sh*t sandwich!
The Top Bread
The musical score in Destiny 2 is immersive and incredible. I am not a music “guy” per se – I often play my games on mute so I can be in the same room as my family as they watch TV / movies. This way I can still play games while still conversing and feeling like a part of the group – instead of tucked away in an office with a headset on. Sometimes I do put in one earbud on a quiet level to make sure i don’t miss in game cues to events or gameplay but for the most part I am completely happy playing my games in silence.  This is one of the rare cases for me that the game is far less immersive without the music. The score (that is the proper way to use the terminology, right?) captures the mood of the planets, the pace of whatever event you may be doing and just adds so much to gameplay. I know there are some blogs dedicated to music in games but it has not been a personal priority for me – Destiny 2 has done such a good job I am inclined to explore music in gaming further.
The Sh*t
(Don’t ask why I am self censoring on my texts while I let the GIF swear away. I mean, it’s not me, it’s the GIF! This is a family friendly blog!)
Lack of a group finder. Please, for the love of Cayde-6, extend your group finder to Nightfall Strikes and Raids, even if you have to make an “easier” version of each that rewards a bit less. This is 2017. TWO THOUSAND AND SEVENTEEN! It was the most requested feature in 2014 and will continue to be so for the typical, casual, solo player who would like to enjoy all content. There is a reason why World of Warcraft continues to be the best at inclusivity (just ask them, and they will probably even show you how it’s done, since you are buddies with them!) and also reasons why games that exclude content for the “hardcore only” lose out in the end. Take some of the millions saved on your writers and voice actors and apply it to a LFG matchmaking mode. I know I have said this before but in the era of accessible gaming this does come down to laziness. If randoms can PUG Mythic +7 dungeons in Legion, randoms can PUG your raids. Don’t be that company.
The Bottom Slice
There is no lack of progression early and often and there is just so much to do that I am overwhelmed with content. I know this won’t last long, but my Titan is at 265, Hunter at 250, and Warlock isn’t even level 20 yet so I know that even without the opportunity to enjoy all parts of the game I will be able to enjoy some fully. I am nervous that when I hit that wall I have nothing to do but wait for DLC (which happened last time) but I am probably a week or two away from that  – meaning that if I got a full month out of the game that that is a fair expectation by today’s gaming “standards”. (I had well over 100 hours in ME:Andromeda, but that is a different story!) My complaints towards Destiny 2 is only because it could be so much better with just a little effort.
Just don’t eat the sandwich.