Q1 post here and Q2 post here. Continuing wrapping up last year’s blogging and gaming efforts with the July to August calendar quarter. July 2017 Post Count: 3 Games: Fortnite, Paladins, Battlenet (early backer) Other Media: None Themes: Against the grain, Feedback, Early Access Mood/Content: Largely absent! Summer I like to be in, on and…
2017 I HAS REVIEW – Q2
This is building off of my first post reviewing this blog and the year 2017. Q1 Post here April 2017 Post Count: 9 Games: Andromeda, Hearthstone Themes: Nostalgia, Exploration, Satisfaction Mood/Content: Fully immersed in Andromeda the entire month. Everything about this game improved on the first series. Yes, everything. The gameplay, the RPG elements, the abilities,…
Up to Four Then Back to One : EQ2
I finished my “one character of each armor type” and “exploring all of the starter zones” experiment in EQ2 and it was a really fun way to spend my gaming time during my holidays. Oddly enough, the Dirge ended up two levels higher than the other characters by the time he had finished Timorous Deep…
And Then There Were Three : EQ2
I have spoiled myself with gaming time this holiday season. We often go on vacation during Christmas holidays but due to work and child activities/commitments we could not this year. The family decided to literally take three days and sit in our pyjamas at home, with a roaring fire, cheesy Christmas movies, and lots and…
Home Alone : EQ2
I asked about housing in prior threads to Bhagpuss and Izlain, and finally I decided to jump right in. Firstly because I was getting a bunch of housing items that was taking up precious inventory space and secondly because I checked the /claim rewards and I indeed have a Mistmoore Manor prestige housing reward as…
Cup Runneth…
Over. Definitely Over. I’m a lucky person in pretty much all areas of my life – professional, personal and digital. It is never lost on me the need and suffering in the world. Still, there is much beauty and hope. You just have to believe. And act. In my online world here, at I HAS…
Everquesting 2
This was supposed to be a level 1-15 post but I didn’t quite get there last night and was too tired to continue. In it’s wake I do have an EQ2 levels 1 to 14 post that will just have to do. It is almost as good, I promise you! I can’t say I am…
2017 In Review – Q1
I haven’t written many “year in review” posts – but I do love the idea of them. If you asked me now what I was doing last January I couldn’t really tell you. Things fly by in life and gaming and I do want to capture what I was playing, talking about, and interested in…
So, This Happened : DDO
Dungeons and Dragons Online was a game I pre-ordered. Not-so-secretly I really miss Pen and Paper games. I have no friends who play them, or connections to groups who do, but the one thing PnP games have over their PC variants is active imagination. In PC games whatever happens is pre-programmed. That is very, very…
Things are Looking Up: EQ2, PC Gaming
I spent the weekend thinking about gaming, and playing a bit. I kind of realized that I don’t envy being a developer trying to make games right now. I read somewhere that Battlefront 2 probably “only” sold 1.2 to 1.5 million boxes in it’s first month of sales – and is considered a complete failure….
Paladins – Joining the Dark Side
Paladins is the best small team shooter I have played. In a world of a dominating Overwatch and several fail-(ed)/(ing) Overwatch clones, Paladins stood out as a game holding it’s own. It had a lot of good things going for it – a diverse and fun cast of characters, varied and enjoyable game modes, and…
Blinking and Missing the Moment : Brian Kesinger
The world is a giant, strange place full of good, bad, and everything in between. Most importantly, and often the source of many of those emotions, are people. There are billions of us on this planet and we are all making our own way through our versions of what our lives should be. My point…
Surprise and Delight
I watched the Video Game Awards last night. Well, mostly watched. I had it on my phone while I also had a hockey game on, and was flipping between the Habs game and the Thursday night football game. Still, I was watching it. The reason for my interest was not because I like award shows…
Ultimate Screenshot Mode
(as with all of my pictures in posts, click on it to make it bigger and more perdy. It will open in a new window) Wow. Just WOW! I have never been a big screenshot person. I wish I did better at it but I always tend to miss the right moments as I am…
The Joys of Ragdoll Death Physics
Dying in Style Over the weekend I was able to spend some quality time with Warframe. Warframe is great to spend time with. Time flies by, she is very unselfish and giving, and she is just a lot of fun to hang out with. Several times during gameplay, pretty much with every session, I have…
Show and Tell : Mesa
Warframe does a few things I love especially – stats. Every weapon, Warframe, etc. tracks kills stats, head shots, melee kills – you name it. They also have stats for overall game performance. You can see below that even pushing 55 hours in I have only completed 145/227 nodes (areas) on my Star Chart. Still…
Caught in the Cookie Jar : Developers
Destiny 2 has not been a favorite of mine for many reasons, and not going to rehash those at this time, but it was for purely game reasons. They have, unfortunately, stooped below the game-level issues I disliked. Literally slowing XP gains secretively on Bright Engram boxes. You know, those same boxes that you can…
Shopping Spree
Well, I have already completed my Black Friday shopping. Which can’t really happen until 11 am (when the sales start) but I am already decided and ready to go. It’s all Warframe, which is having a 50% off sale on some Bundles. Bundles includes weapons, Syandanas (capes) and boosters. Tweets by PlayWarframe Here are my…
Modding in Warframe
First off, I am still a novice Warframe player. This three minute video is a great, fun and pretty accurate watch on the learning curve in Warframe. (and for the record, I am at day 40!) Jeromai rightly points out in my comment section (last post) that most Mod guides are for “end game” and…
Checking In : 50 Hours of Warframe
(as always with pictures here, click on them to open them in a large format in a new window) I hit that milestone last night. 50 hours in a game. That is roughly five “AAA” single player campaigns, by today’s soft production standards. The biggest two compliments I can give this game from a time…
So You Are Saying There’s A Chance
Gevlon wrote a pretty sarcastic piece (I think it was meant to be sarcastic!) calling for the end of all randomization in gaming to counterbalance the future of loot box mania (which is already here, and not going anywhere). I do appreciate that some people – and “gamers” in particular – appreciate some certainty. This is…
Blog Therapy – Drafts Folder Purge Part 5
I still have pesky drafts sitting in my ‘Posts’ folder from waay back in 2015. I am continuing to examine and decide whether to finish off the post, or delete it to the blog-void permanently. My other posts in this series are Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. What I am, and Not, Playing (4/30/2015) Back during…
Postcards from Space
(this is a picture heavy post – as with all of my posts, click on the picture and it will open a new window with the full, high res version. To really appreciate them!) Warframe has a beautiful looking backdrop. Shame because there is an awful lot of rush, rush, rush in co-operative PVE in…
Stranger Things 2, Plots, Poop
Always wanted to put ‘poop’ in a title. For clarity it’s not about the second coming of poop, but the sequel. Of the show, not poop. I am going to regret the decision to not put the 2 at the end, aren’t I? THERE BE SPOILERS IN THESE DANG HILLS NON COUNTRY SPEAK – SPOILERS…
Community Resourcing and Rewarding : Warframe
It’s funny how certain things I learn and experience in gaming remind me of old posts. Some are word for word suggestions and ideas I made in the past (such as having WoW armor switch stats on specialization switch which I suggested almost a decade ago – you are welcome) to my ire that people who…