I follow many sub Reddits on Reddit (that is what they are called, aren’t they?) although I don’t read a lot there. However, there are a few key ones I skim semi-regularly. The Anthem debacle coverage in the Reddit is equally depressing and entertaining, and like a car crash is often impossible to look away….
Tag: MMO
Tell Me What You Want (What You Really, Really, Want)
I think MMO nostalgia makes us funny people. Just yesterday I was thinking about EQ and the amazing times had there with people I still consider ‘amazing’. Hell, I even went to my first ever guild message boards (circa 1999) after a 3 year hiatus to go say “hi” and see who was still kicking around…
Can We Teach A New Dog Old Tricks?
Blizzard seems intent on taking a new direction in Cataclysm – making the game more challenging. I’m very curious if the follow through, and if they do – even more curious if they stick with it. The basis of the change, without going into too much detail, is making CC required in instances again as…
Online Reputation
A little bit of frustration is settling in with Blood Bowl my past handful of matches. No, not the gameplay (which can be punishing) No, not the randomness (which I love) – but Yes, the weak network programming. BB keeps a “reliability rating” with your account. Basically it is a percentage based score of matches…
Forswearing Greed – Developers take Notice
This post is inspired by the article of the same title in the June 6th to 12th edition of the Economist. A group of Harvard Business MBA students have made attempts to turn management into a formal profession. Doctors have their oath, so do Lawyers. CEO’s have always had one too – except it isn’t…
Happy Birthday, EQ
EQ was my first MMO girlfriend. She was a bit cranky, and demanding on my time, but looking back I wouldn’t change a thing (looking forward is another matter). Those sweet, sweet evenings spent together shaped my gaming expectations and experiences. It is true that you never forget your first. EQ Nostalgia after the break….
My Favorite Fantasy Classes
This is a fluff post. Nothing to do with game design but I was just reminiscing about my different character classes over the years and which ones stood out. It is in chronological order, not ranked by preference.
Introduce a New Phase in the Development Cycle
Zubon over at Kill Ten Rats made a generic post that is an ultimate truth with MMOs. We all accept and are resigned to the fact that when an MMO launches it will be incomplete and buggy, and we will have to fight through the launch of a game with Rose Coloured Glasses until such…
Ebert @ the MMO
I finished Fallout 3 – very quickly. I probably spent 10 hours on side quests, and 5 on the main quest line – and it was over. I finished at level 12 (I hear there are 20 levels, but I didn’t figure that out). The end was a bit of a dissappointment, but at least I have…
Scroll of Blasphemous Conundrum
Damn you, YOU, who sent me the Blizzard scroll of Resurrection. Did you do it because you missed me? Did you do it to get phat xp rewards? (they still giving those out?) because I am a cynical blogger now, surely, it must be to taunt me. Taunt me after reading my last near brush…
This Just In! (actually already old news)
Yay? Something else to get overly excited about and (hopefully) not dissappointed in the end. Can’t wait to see what they do with it. I was a bit skeptical with Bioware at first, as a first time MMO developer, until I read the below in their FAQ “Another member of the Community is harassing me…
The 6 Wheeled Car
There is a six wheeled car – it is a sedan, four door. What if I told you it gets better gas mileage, is much safer to drive, hell, it’s even cheaper than a boring old regular 4 wheeled car. Would you buy it? Probably not. Nobody wants to be the first, and 4 wheels have done…
With the Warhammer:Age of Reckoning Open Beta underway I am curious what the initial impression is from the typical (ie: people without a preconceived fanboy or doomsday view) gamer. As mentioned before, I am looking forward to it’s release. I also have to come clean and share that my perception perhaps isn’t a very fair one….
Get Down with RMT (yeah you know me!)
Obscure musical reference. Probably sad that I think that is obscure. Free comment post to whoever figures that one out first. Real Money Transfers. The Yankees, Bill Gates, and Jack Thompson loathe of most MMO gamers. You will probably add my name to the loathing list when I tell you that with a few changes, the…