I watched the film “Yesterday” recently and it brought with it a resurgence of listening to Beatles albums. Not real albums, mind you, but Spotify playlists. In this first sentence there are three things I mentioned that I am not talking about today (The movie Yesterday, the Beatles, and Streaming Music) but the song “A…
Tag: Project 1999
An Everquest Adventure
Keep in mind this is on a time locked emulator, Project 1999. I made a new friend as only you can in EQ. I had some time before work and logged in to find the Ancient Cyclops camp open. I’ve been making tens of thousands here. With people leaving Blue for Green (and Teal), the…
Project 1999 Faces Population Issues
Who knew? The Project 1999 Green Server was so popular it was sitting at 2500 characters at launch, and well into week two. Keep in mind that is around 250 players per starting area. (Of course, not as neatly broken down that way, more like 500 in Gfay and 150 in Innoruk, but still. Get…
Going Green
It’s hard to believe as Everquest hit it’s 20th anniversary that Project 1999 – the Daybreak “approved” emulation server that is locked in the Velious expansion for eternity – is getting a new server. Project 1999 already has a RED server (For PVP, essentially dead and with XP bonuses) and the BLUE server – which…
It Matters : EQ P1999
As it sometimes does (on a good day) my post about Nostalgia and being stuck in a frozen moment of Everquest spawned a couple of responses. And this is why I like blogging – I read them, thought about them, learned some new things, and gained a bit of clarity on the subject. Oh, not…
Why Does Nostalgia Work?
I bet many smarter, better writers have tackled this but as I grind out level after level in Project 1999 I am desperately trying to find the answer of how in the hell I am having so much fun. Or even am I? I spent years there already, and this version has a shelf life…
Tic Tac Toe : Anthem, Magic, Project 1999
While Anthem is the game I am spending the most time on, I am also playing Magic The Gathering Arena and Project 1999 daily. They are all very different but fill a nice spot. With not a big post on anything today I decided to touch on all three to make a post out of…