I last posted about how I am going to post more about my personal health journey and things I learned that worked for me. This is very fitting being New Years Eve today, with a whole host of resolutions to be made by a big chunk of the world to start tomorrow! And most of…
Category: General
I Has Happy Holidays!
Hi Everyone. Just a quick note – I am on a beach right now not thinking about blogging, but spending time with my family and thinking about the world. There is so much unrealized potential and I hope as a global community we start treating each other the way we need to. Â I wish nothing…
Where to Fit(bit) In!
Blogging has been a struggle as of late – I am playing four games, four of which are “out of date”, and I am plodding along at my own pace within them. I am not discovering anything new about these games (or myself playing them) and all of that adds up to the deeper questions…
Santa Isn’t Real
Well, the cat is out of the bag. Oh, not for me. I knew about that a long time ago. Give me some credit. My 10 year old asked the big question last night as we were getting him ready for bed. He is in a grade 5/6 split class (due to Ontario regulations on…
Personal Easter Eggs
When questing in the Savage Coast in The Secret World I came across a gem during the Crime and Punishment quest line. This was after finding Sam Krieg’s fan mancave and hacking into his computer: You can click on that to enlarge it to read it, but it is the quest text for the final part. The…
Honest Kids
This Blog has always mostly been about gaming, some movies here and there, and other things like  TV shows. You know, the fun things to talk about. I even hit some political topics and generalities here and there. The blog subtitle is “Life and Interwebs” but mostly it has been about Interwebs. It works for…
History is Important
I appreciate learning the history of things. Often, I think this comes with age. It’s not enough to just live in moment amongst the new – a lot of amazing things have happened in our world. Learning about them is important. I travel quite a bit for work and pleasure and when I get an…
Goalie Equipment and Mask Design
I am not sure if I have mentioned it here before, but I am a hockey goaltender. I spent my life playing the position and even now that I cracked the big four oh, I still play two to three times a week (in the winter). It’s fun exercise, allows me to still draw on…
Quotable : Games and Murder
This gem from Canada’s Maclean’s Magazine: Neither a televised trial involving two psychiatric assessments nor his 1,500-page manifesto could quite explain his giving up World of Warcraft for real-life mass murder. Clearly, you either play WoW or kill people. There is no in between.
Talkback Challenge #1 : How GamerGate Affected Me
I have mostly avoided participating in the major discussion threads surrounding #Gamergate for the sole reason that I find the internet a terrible place to have meaningful, open discussion on serious and important topics. I realize how silly that is as someone who blogs quite regularly and participates in a lot of blogs – perhaps…
The Day the Music Died
I HAS RETURNED! I left on a two week vacation and the several posts I had lined up to keep the traffic hits a coming (including the “I am leaving on vacation but have some posts queued up” post) didn’t pan out. If you stick around here until April 2016 you may find them. The…
Pay Beta/Alpha
I often review old posts – it is a fun way to see what I was jabbering about back over half a decade (sounds so much longer when put that way). I was reviewing some old posts when I randomly came across this one: Introduce a New Phase in the Development Cycle The premise of the…
Glory Dos Days
Aywren beat me to posting this but I had bookmarked the site a couple of days ago: there are 2300+ Classic MS-Dos games waiting for you to play in full emulated in web browser glory. Some defining gaming moments are available, I have been having a lot of fun just browsing the titles available (that…
Technology Creep
When gamers talk about “creep” they are often discussing things such as “Power Creep”. I don’t want the title of this short piece to be confused with that. I am talking about pure creep-y, which is a much different kind. I consider myself very tech friendly and tend to early adopt and welcome technology into…
This post was originally started about 10 months ago – I found it deep in my “drafts” list (it is actually the oldest draft I have left). I sometimes resurrect these posts under my “Draft Necro” series because hey, not all posts deserve to rot away in draft folder hell. I typically preamble them in…
The Year That Was 2014
I normally don’t do these posts, but it was a very good year and I feel like sharing. I am going away to Europe for Christmas for two weeks and as I tie up my professional and family life here in Canada before next week there probably won’t be a lot of blogging or gaming…
I realized today I am completely insulated from the video game hype cycle. I am free! Normally by now I would be really deep in Dragon Age: Inquisition (I am a huge fan of Origins, and got through the second one for the sake of it) or I would be levelling in Warlords of Draenor…
Worth Not Threatening to Kill You About
I don’t normally write about serious things but if this is the kind of things “free speech” is supposed to protect then the NRA is the most sensible organization in the USA. Sorry to my USA friends who are NRA members. I just find them inflexible and not open minded for discussion, and that was…
A Sign the Apocalypse is Upon Us
I just got back from my 10 day trip down under – 7 days in NZ and 3 in AUS. I love traveling and very fortunate that I get to travel for work – and my company is a fan of the Work-cation. The work-cation is a great concept – since the company is paying…
A Moment of Pride from Tragedy
I do not write much non gaming here, but due to recent events in my country am going to break from that mold. I am a very proud Canuck. So proud, in fact, that I actually tell you that – it’s a bit rude to be over nationalistic so typically I just wear my Captain…
AAA Blog
I was finishing up the Contains Moderate Murf podcast while driving and for some puzzling reason a thought struck me on how much I dislike the term “AAA game”. What exactly does that mean? How does the rating work? We rarely hear about ‘A’ games, or ‘C’ games, or even ‘AA’ games (although all of…
I have stayed pretty uninvolved with the whole Gamergate discussion – my blog is shorter, off the cuff discussion pieces that don’t really lend well to the necessary thoroughness, research and thought level on such a challenging topic. I would be better sitting around a table drinking beer and discussing it then trying to put it into…
New Look – Temporary and Accidental
I don’t hate it but also don’t love it. In my quest to fix my pingback issue I started messing around with PhP (something I am not entirely qualified for) based off of some Google-fu work on other people who have had similar issues. I ended up breaking my theme. Turns out, that old theme…
Going For a Scholarship
I like news. I am sure I have also mentioned prior my love for The Economist as a news source – it seems to be as neutral as it gets and that is very refreshing considering how polar opposite the same story is reported on Blue news (CNN) and Red news (Fox) in North America….
Happy Birthday to I Has PC! 6 Years Old!
Belated. It was yesterday. This is a nice reminder that I am terrible at birthdays! August 27, 2008 was my first blog post ever. I can’t fully recall why I started blogging – I was spending a lot of time on various blogging sites and my comments kept getting longer and longer. I think I finally decided that…