I went back into SWTOR.
I love the Star Wars Universe. I was in early Beta Tests for SWTOR and like many others, believed if the game was launched as a single player experience it would have done amazing. Really, it is just a better, shinier KOTOR. Dragon Age in the Star Wars Universe. Mass Effect-esque gameplay in a Star Wars backdrop. It could have been a perennial giant seller as a single player game such as the COD series or even Assasin’s Creed. I went back knowing that it really isn’t an MMO but the storylines I did in beta were pretty well done – and I wanted to see some of them through and maybe experience a couple new ones. I was willing to invest my time (and depending on the experience, money)
Wow, they have really messed it up. During my three hour play experience last night:
1) You can’t get certain quest rewards without being a subscriber. Major quest rewards are unattainable. Really? PRE-LEVEL 10? The starter experience?
2) The restrictions on chat make group very, very difficult (and there are heroic quests that require you to have a group as early as level 6-7)
3) XP gains have really been throttled (not surprisingly though)
So after spending a lot of time (and money) in League of Legends, someone who does Free To Play exceptionally well, it was a letdown. I want to spend time in EA’s Star Wars Universe, I want to give them my money -Â but I want to feel like I am rewarding them for good programming and business decisions. If I gave them a dime right now it would be the exact opposite.