There’s a zen like state to it, I tell you. I originally titled these “Spring Cleaning!”, but it was never spring and there is a far more cathartic feel to these posts for me. Like letting go of the past. Or, getting really drunk and forgetting to go to work!
#Listmas – My Favourite Raiding Moments – (12/17/2014)
Murf (we miss you Murf! Come back to the interwebs! And by we, I mean, I, at least for sure.) had a hashtag of list style posts during the holiday season and encouraged others to do the same. Here is how far I got into detailing the raiding moments that stood out for me since I started them back in the 90s.
“Murf is making a list and checking it twice and as a OneNote fanatic, lists are in my wheelhouse. I work by lists, I do personal life by lists, I even shop with lists. So this December redux on last year’s initiative is something I am excited to do.
As an old raider who hasn’t raided since Burning Crusade (le sigh) I still have very fond raid moments. In the spirit of Listmas, I am going to list my top 5 memories. The irony is not lost that these are complete nostalgic memories, I am clearly an ex-raider and pulling an uncle Rico here, but hey, they are my memories!
I can throw this football right over them mountains…
Nothing screams “I am in hook line and sinker” with raiding than when good old Ragnaros pops up for the first time. The culmination of the 40 man raid didn’t disappoint with enough moving around, adds, and attacks to keep everyone engaged. I don’t even recall what items dropped when we got him down, but I will never forget that *feeling* of winning with a team. It was incredible…..”
I didn’t even finish my #5, Ragnaros. Most of these moments that I fondly remember had little to do with the bosses or mechanics, but the feeling of accomplishment (or failure) with a group of gamers I considered serious friends. Some still are on facebook, or what-not, but in the end, when you are spending 20+ hours per week with people – in person or online – you build connections. Those are mostly all gone now. Very similar to how I moved on from (most) of my High School friends too. While I wish I would finish this post the list style of it is far over and with Murf done bloggin’, I can safely send this one into the BlogVoid. Outcome: Au Revoir. En Permenance.
Experiences (2-26-2015)
This post draft, after reading and re-reading a few times, is a tad confusing.
“Corpse runs – awesome to experience but never want to experience again.
Farming Karnor’s Castle
Cobalt Boots -lost roll
Cobalt Gloves – lost roll
Locust Lustre-Won roll (Velm)
ES Vambraces – Won roll (Wildlotus)
ES Vambraces – Won roll (Drainc)
Howling Harpoon – Won roll (Roncor)
Singing steel gloves – Won roll (Lvis)
DAOC – keep fight, building rams, dying on the last boss
Going through the MMOtions – login do stuff, log out. Not much connections.
What we want vs what we can do. Even better:
What we want vs what we can handle.”
I didn’t give myself a lot to work with there, but reading the final couple of lines is in step with my current thought that the game I say/think I most want to play right now is one that wouldn’t be possible for me to commit to, so the ideal MMO is a dream. The first few parts (up to MMOtions) look like recollection of various experiences I had frequently during my MMO early days. I suspect I was going to build up that the things we remembered as being great (or important) are the same reasons that we wouldn’t (and don’t) play the same games anymore. Outcome: Confused and pointless, this one gets a big, hefty deleta-mundo.
Messing Around with WordPress Themes (2-27-2015)
Finally, a title I can work with!
“For some reason my blog has always been orange. Orange isn’t even a color I particularly love – however after 6 years at looking at an orange blog it just
Yes, that’s it. And yes, my blog is still orange. I do frequently play with blog themes but never really find one that I love enough to switch. So orange and simple it stays. (Is there a politician joke in there somewhere?) Outcome: Delete, and keep the same theme because change is bad.
Ending with n Losing Note (3-07-2015)
Spelling is not fun for me on this one, and it is another short and sweet starter that never went anywayer (I did that on purpose)
“Last game of the year, win/lose, wait to while year”
There are a few posts on here about my son and parenting, and I do recall when I started writing this one and why. He had just played his last game of the hockey season and they lost. He made the comment that now he has to wait until September to win again – which is six months of being a loser. (ok, that was a joke, that even sounded harsh to write!). I started thinking about how things end in many parts of life and what that does to how you think and feel about yourself. This had nothing to do about gaming and was firmly in the “Life” part of the “Life and Interwebs” tagline up top. Outcome: Too deep, bad spelling, not in the right mood/mindset to further explore.
Developer Appreciation Week (3-27-2015)
Finally, more than one line to work with to think back on what I was thinking at this time. Although the title makes that pretty simple already, Somewhat.
My post in support of developers is to become a better industry. Treat your people better. Care for them.
Link to past posts of shitty workings of publishers/layoffs
Talk about things we do in our business”
This post was a suggestion from I have Touched The Sky to write a post about Developer Appreciation week – instead of our normal grumbling and griping at game developers. My first line gives you a pretty good clue about how I feel about most gaming companies – how they churn and burn good people, eschew loyalty for short term gain, cut corners and generally under service customers. For the most part. I know that is more in Electronic Arts land (and I have some very specific posts bashing them!) but those are the things that stick out when I think of gaming companies. I know Valve is very opposite to that so credit should go where credit is do. Basically if it was any other type of industry they would be out of business. (Picture an Automobile company with that kind of track record..)
This post was going to explore both sides of previous posts (Valve’s employee manual is awesome, EA’s track record is not) here on I Has PC and truly wish we would vote with our wallets. Myself included. Which I somewhat do, but not enough to  make a difference. If there is a good game I want to play I pay for it, regardless of who made it. Maybe my New Years Resolution should be to Pirate games from developers I don’t align with. Outcome: Delete, DAW is long gone and I was too narrow focused on the bad there anyway. This is a happy place, for the most part. My happy place.
Five more Done!
Another five posts cleaned out of my Drafts folder, and well into 2015. I don’t have that many left and as mentioned at the top it feels really good to do, like cleaning out your garage. I have to stay vigilant or it will just get messy again. There are some further insights on things I have thought about and pieces of what I thought about them, that never made it to full post status. None of these ones will either. If you are keeping track (you aren’t) I am 1-20 for future post keeping.