My last post explained some of the intricacies of my MTGA competitive deck. Writing about it is one thing, showing how it actually works is another – so I decided to make a video to see one of my win conditions.
Fun thing(s) about this video:
- I don’t have a proper mic – I just used earbuds.
- I have never made a video with a voice-over
- (I had sound off for the game, sorry!)
- This was the first, and only take – and I did ZERO editing. Still, it shows the pace of MTG:A better. It was also the only game I played. (It actually worked out in my favor, too!)
- Hover over the ‘pause’ button in case you want to read the card descriptions. I wanted to be a good opponent still and not take a full 60 seconds between turns – so if you aren’t familiar with the cards a quick pause when I hover over them will show you their descriptions
There you have it! I am not a big video content creator, but if you have any constructive feedback I would be happy to hear it. If you think there is any fun or value in me slowing it down and explaining things in more detail, I would be happy to do some proper post game video editing and sharing cards, explanations, what I am looking for (and against), etc.
Let me know – the video is under 10 minutes long and was actually kind of fun to do =)
I just posted on Twitter about how I miss making video content (and podcasting for that matter!) And need to get back into it.
Mic or no mic, sound or no sound, it’s fun to create content for people to consume. My best (views) video on YouTube managed over 1k views and I imagine having one with 10x that and it motivates me to do more. Just need to find the time to do so.
I’m terrible at any sort of promotion and also don’t have enough OUTRAGE to generate the kind of views people want to watch these days. Not much room for measured opinions! =)
Neato. Even with you slowing it down a tad, it does go by really quickly. I can see why opponents would be so frustrated.