Keep in mind this is on a time locked emulator, Project 1999. I made a new friend as only you can in EQ. I had some time before work and logged in to find the Ancient Cyclops camp open. I’ve been making tens of thousands here. With people leaving Blue for Green (and Teal), the…
Tag: p1999
The Grind the Binds, Unkind.
I am in a funny spot in Project 1999. Level 45. And by funny, I mean painful. It’s a test. It’s the first real “hell level” of many more to come. For those of you who don’t know what a hell level is I will explain. It roughly takes 2x the amount of XP to…
Why Does Nostalgia Work?
I bet many smarter, better writers have tackled this but as I grind out level after level in Project 1999 I am desperately trying to find the answer of how in the hell I am having so much fun. Or even am I? I spent years there already, and this version has a shelf life…
Party Like it’s 1999
The downside for fancy screenshot programs is that it really doesn’t want to work with an emulated program of a game from 20 years ago. I know I have spared most of you the blocky, funny character textures but they do have a certain charm. I want to roll up a Troll just to see…