I have two games right now that have me super hyped for gaming. The first up is Anthem – which Leo has spoken about a bit. I have been following all the livestreams, dev blogs, etc. I was in the technical Alpha as well. I ended up buying Origin Premier ($129.99 CAD for a year…
Author: Isey
Ravnica Allegiance Launch : Magic The Gathering Arena
What the screenshot doesn’t show is that because I have been so happy with my deck, and play daily, that I had saved up enough gold (free currency) to buy 45 packs of the latest expansion on release day. I also had over 20 standard Ravnica packs unopened as I was waiting for the new…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q4
October 2018 Posts: 3 (Really? Just 3?) Games: Magic The Gathering: Arena Other Media: October was my second lightest posting month and 3 in a month (along with the couple 5s I had earlier in the year) shows my inability to post consistently. Blogging is one of those things I love when I feel like…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q3
July 2018 Posts: 6 Games: World of Warcraft. Magic The Gathering: Arena, Warriors of Waterdeep, Other Media / Non Digital Games: Blaugust Summertime is more time outside time, less gaming time, and even less blogging time. I started a series about some World of Warcraft Specs that I thought would be really fun to include/play…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q2
As a Side note, WordPress has changed their base editor and the main thing I hate is that there isn’t a full justification option. And it is built on building blocks of things. Change is hard when you are used to something but sticking to it! It also seems to have changed my font which…
2018 I HAS REVIEW – Q1
That time of year is upon us where we look back. I really enjoyed this series last year as the memory gets worse and I get older it’s fun to see what got me excited, dissappointed, and curious throughout the year. As a longer post I am breaking it up in quarters. January 2018 Posts…
Game of The Year – Vacation Edition
Gaming has been fun – but busy year end business meetings and holiday cheer, coupled with a new acquisition, coupled with year end business meetings and holiday cheer for the new acquisition, leading into a family vacation – there has been little time to write. Time zones, airports, hotels. Gaming has been great for me…
Blog Therapy – Drafts Purge – Part 6
This series is when I get a bunch of draft posts left in the background and I feel compelled to clean them out. And by clean them out, I mean talk about what my point was when I was thinking of writing it, whether or not it’s worth continuing the thought (or not) and why,…
Alpha Gaming Weekend : Redacted
I spent my weekend playing games I can’t share impressions on for the most part. And while people know I am in certain ones, because I announced it, I can safely group them all into “looking forward to what they do next” territory without mentioning specific features, feelings or thoughts. Wish I could share more…
Fallout 76 Blooper Reel
*EDIT* – Video has been taken down for “copyright” purposes, by a streamer featured in the clips? Which makes this even more juicy, but I’m just sad that I can’t watch (and laugh at) the video anymore! I am not playing this game, but the video was shared on my Discord and I was…
Because 5 is a Thing : BFV
A problem I am having with blogging and Battlefield 5 is that I play at my home laptop, and take pictures there, and then blog at work I need to change the default screenshot folder to one of my OneDrive folders so it syncs across platforms. So until then I don’t have more BF:V pictures….
When It Rains… It Alphas
There is an NDA. I haven’t read it yet! Hoping this isn’t in violation, but will take it down if it is. Either way, no details to share – only this. Check your emails!
Beautifield 5
I am now a PC game service enabler. There needs to be a better term. I had become an annual Origin Pass member, which gives you access to 150 EA games (plus early access to new titles on a trial basis) for the grand price of $29.99. They now added a service – Origin Premier…
Blizzzard (Im)mortal
I was away for two weeks. Long flights, late nights, time zones, work, play. Good times. As always when I step away from the blog I miss writing. Because of the kind of trip I had I don’t have a ton to write about – but I did follow a lot of the Blizzcon announcements,…
When You Say Nothing At All : Quotes
I don’t like going a full week without making a post. This is more of a challenge when you didn’t really do anything or have anything tangible to write about. So, if you hate general posts about a few things, stop reading now. This is one of them. “Not as bad as I thought” While…
Rebuilding : MTGA
I had a LOT of fun with the Magic The Gathering Arena closed beta but was less than enthused to restart after the wipe. Currently, there are around 1300 unique cards and you can have up to 4 of each. By the time I was done in closed beta I had around 2600 cards –…
I was inspired while reading Kaylriene to take an introspective look at my gaming personal life. In many ways it has mirrored my own life and friendships. I found myself getting wispy and nostalgic reading the tales of their trip from A to Z. I struggle with these kinds of posts because I feel utterly exposed….
Unsubscribed and Patiently Waiting : WoW
My subscription lapsed yesterday and even though I have tokens in hand, there isn’t much reason for me to log in. I am fully up to date on the Alliance War Story, and fully geared as I can be as a non raider. There are no more goals to hit for me – the boring,…
Another Brick in The Wall : Warfronts
Well, the Warfront scenario in Battle For Azeroth is an interesting one. It’s a play on the old RTS game, and plays out kind of like a League of Legends style MOBA with 20 live “actors”. It was kind of fun a few times, too. Challenge is that it completely negates Mythic 0 level content…
Sad Ending : Telltale Games
I have really enjoyed several of their titles – especially the original Walking Dead series and The Wolf Among Us. The company is effectively shutting down after finishing off the latest Walking Dead game. Oddly enough, there isn’t a reason given that I have read. Mashable has a story up. It seemed like a successful…
Optimism Vs Cynicism
A lot of fun speculation with the announcement of a “free” flying pirate ship mount if you just prepay for game time. Optimist in me : “Guys, we have such awesome content coming down the pipeline, you HAVE to stick around and see it! Trust us you won’t be let down! Here is a shiny…
120 Blues
Max level in an expansion is usually an exciting place. It was fun getting both my Druid and Paladin there (most recently the Paladin, Horde side) and the differences in the campaign truly made it worthwhile to enjoy both story lines. Instead of a sigh of relief while now at the level cap it’s a…
Watermelon Seeds : WildStar
Oh WildStar. I told you so. I know that is very, very helpful. And to be fair, like many others, I am actually really sad it didn’t make it. I would often reinstall, play for a bit (I wanted to see/feel the story of Nexus), get wigged out by the colors and playstyle, uninstall. It…
Hype Level 11ty Billion
Not going to say much due to hype levels – but I played this game pen and paper growing up, it’s by the team that made The Witcher series, and hype levels are currently unhealthy. Can’t wait. The merge of FPS and RPG in this early reveal looks well done. I hate the hype train,…
A Telling Pause : Battle For Azeroth
My subscription lapsed this morning. Since I am Canadian I opt not to buy monthly subscriptions due to exchange rate shenanigans (we are close to $20 a month here to play) – especially since you can buy three month game cards for half the price at various retailers. I didn’t have one on me, but…